Tuesday, September 24, 2024



And Lord Jesus Christ which is our hope.
I Timothy 1:1

THE apostle sums up the misery of
  the worldling in these words,
      “Having no hope:”
    that is, no well-grounded hope.
For there is no hope for a sinner but in Christ.
Yea, Christ himself is said to be our hope.
He laid the foundation of it in his meritorious obedience and death.
He gave the warrant for it,
  by sending us his everlasting gospel.
He produced it,
  by giving us the Holy Spirit.
We can have no hope of access to God,
  of acceptance with God, or
  of any spiritual blessing from God,
  but as we receive Christ,
  look to his cross, and
    believe his glorious gospel.
Take away Jesus, and
  the most virtuous can have no hope;
  give us Jesus and the violence transgressor
   may hope for the greatest blessings.
Let us build on Jesus, and on Jesus alone; and
  we shall find him to be a foundation
   which will never give way.
Let us live hoping for all necessities good things now, and
  for everlasting glory at the end of our course,
  for the sake of what Jesus did and suffered,
   and we shall never be disappointed.
Beloved, is Jesus your hope?
Are you hoping for mercy in his name, and
  heaven through his blood?
If so, look up to God and say, ---
Behold, his merit is our plea
On him alone our souls depend;
He is our Advocate with thee,
The helpless sinner’s powerful friend.
James Smith 1849

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