Saturday, October 5, 2024



A strong hold in the day of trouble.
Nahum 1:7

MAN is born to trouble, and
  his second birth exposes him to trouble
    as well as the first.
There is a furnace for everyone to pass through.
A dreary wilderness between Egypt and Canaan.
Many are the stormy days that we shall see.
Troubles will come, but
  every trouble may be turned to account.
If rightly used, it will endear the Saviour,
  wean us from the world,
  make the Bible more precious, and
  strengthen our desire after the better land.
Jesus is a strong hold in the day of trouble.
To him we may repair and find safety.
If we enter into him we shall enjoy supply.
He will protect us from every foe, and
  secure us amidst all the wars, convulsions, and
  tempests of the present world.
The door is of this hold is always opened
  to every sinner that repairs to it,
  its walls are impregnable and cannot be stormed,
  and its resources are boundless and cannot be exhausted.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
  the righteous runneth into it and is safe.”
Beloved, in every trial and trouble,
  let us repair to Jesus,
  he will receive us,
  he will soothe our sorrows, and
  he will effectually prevent our being injured.
Then dry up your tears, ye children of grief,
For Jesus appears to give you relief,
If you are returning to Jesus your friend,
Your sighing and morning in singing shall end.
James Smith 1849

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