Monday, October 14, 2024



He that hath the Son hath life.
I John 4:12

JESUS is presented to us in the
  everlasting gospel as God's free gift;
  he contains in himself all we do, or can possibly want.
His wealth is unparalleled.
His riches are unsearchable.
Christ must either be received or rejected by us.
If we feel our need of him,
  if we desire to possess him,
  we are heartily welcome to him.
God gives him to sinners.
He presents himself to sinners.
He says, “He that receiveth me receiveth my Father also.”
He that hath Christ hath life,
  he is quickened by the Holy Spirit;
  he is delivered from all condemnation;
  he is entitled to everlasting glory.
He that hath the Son,
  hath in reality all things;
  for all things go with Christ.
He hath a righteousness that justifies him from all things;
  a peace that passeth all understanding,
  strength that will enable him to overcome all foes, and
  wisdom that will preserve him from falling into any fatal snares.
He that hath Christ now,
  will have Christ for ever.
If we have Christ in our life,
  we shall have Christ in our death.
If we have Christ on earth,
  we shall have Christ in heaven.
He that hath Christ is fully, freely, and eternally blest.
Reader, have you received Christ?
Life or death hangs on this.
He that hath Christ is always blest,
From him we cannot fall;
Christ is our life, our joy, our rest,
Our God, our strength our all.
James Smith 1849

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