Wednesday, October 16, 2024



My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
Psalm 13:5

WE may rejoice and this (thy salvation)
  when we can rejoice in nothing else.
It always suits us, and
  it is calculated to raise us above all that is
    gloomy, depressing, and sorrowful.
God’s salvation is his glory, and it is our best portion.
It is a deliverance from all that is
  injurious, degrading, and dreadful;
  a restoration to all that is
  beneficial, elevating, and delightful; and
  a title to joys more pure, treasures more vast, and
  honour more glorious than unfallen Adam ever experienced.
God salvation, is himself saving sinners in the most free,
  complete, and glorious manner.
Each of the Divine persons in Jehovah are engaged and
  employed in saving us, therefore we may well say,
    “My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.”
To be saved at all should fill us with gratitude and joy,
  but to be saved by the Lord,
  should it cause our hearts to leap for joy, and
  fill our mouths with constant song.
This should make us happy in the dreariest seasons, and
  cheer us in the most wintery day
O my soul, when thou canst not rejoice in thy frames, 
  thy friends, thy possessions, or immediate prospects,
    then rejoice in God’s salvation.
Rejoice, my soul, and prize thy lot,
Though trials should abound;
My Father's purpose changes not,
And he will have thee crowned.
James Smith 1849

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