Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord.
Exodus 28:12
AARON was a type of Christ as
  the great high priest of our profession.
What Aaron was to Israel, Jesus is to us.
What Aaron did for Israel, Jesus does for us.
The names of the 12 tribes were engraved and
  placed on Aaron’s breast, and
  whenever he appeared before God in the holiest of all,
  the light of the Shekinah rested upon them, and
  God read them in his own light.
Nothing was allowed to come between the names and
  the mercy seat, but the blood, as he sprinkled it;
  or the smoke of the incense, as he waved it before the Lord.
O beloved, Jesus has our name on his breast!
The light of the Father's countenance rest upon them.
There is nothing between them and God,
  but the blood that atones for our sins, and
  the smoke of the incense which perfumed our prayers.
Jesus constantly presents us to God,
  for he has entered into heaven
  “now to appear in the presence of God for us.”
Sweet thoughts, my name is on the Saviour's heart,
  my causes in the Saviour’s hands, and
  he ever takes the deepest interest in my welfare!
O that I could love him more!
He bears the names of all his saints
Deep in his heart engraved;
Attentive to the state and wants
Of all his love has saved.
James Smith 1849

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