Thursday, October 3, 2024


In the midst of the throne a Lamb.
Revelation 5:6
JESUS is the Lamb of God which taketh away 
  the sins of the world.
To him we look as the one sacrifice for sin.
Through him we expect pardon and peace.
By him we have access to and acceptance with the Father.
In all our trials and troubles,
  in all seasons our fear and oppression,
  whenever Satan assails us, or
  guilt casts us down, we look to the Lamb; and
   looking to him find relief and deliverance.
And there is something very sweet in the thought,
  that when we enter heaven,
  we shall find the Lamb in the midst of the throne.
There he is as our Saviour and sacrifice,
  there he is possessed with omnipotent power,
  infinite wisdom, and unlimited authority.
There he is to receive us, and
  to present us to his Father as
  the purchase of his blood,
  the object of his love, and
  the obedient subjects of his Kingdom.
O to keep this fact in mind,
  when going to God for blessings,
  when going to confess sin,
  when going to enjoy fellowship and communion,
  that the Lamb is in the midst of the throne.
Our plea is there before us.
Our advocate is in high favor.
Our sacrifice is accepted.
Our dear, dearest Lord and Saviour,
   is in the midst of the throne.
O what must it be on his glories to gaze,
When his chosen are gathered in one,
Where seraphs and saints shall eternally praise,
The Lamb in the midst of the throne.
James Smith 1849

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