Sunday, October 13, 2024


Through sanctification of the Spirit.
2 Thessalonians 2:13

GOD has chosen us to salvation, this is the end;
  but it is through sanctification of the Spirit, 
  this is the means.
The sanctification of the Spirit commences in regeneration,
  it is carried on through life, and
  will be completed in the day of Christ.
It consists of making us holy, or
  inwardly and outwardly conforming us to
   the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It separates us from the world,
  sets our hearts against sin,
  consecrates us to the Lord’s service,
  makes us zealous for his glory, and
  creates us anew in Christ Jesus.
Physically we are the same as before,
  but morally and spiritually we differ.
The more we experience of the sanctifying work of the Spirit,
  the more clearly we shall discover our own sinfulness,
  the more we shall be tried with our own inward corruption,
  the more we shall see the need of the Saviour's blood,
  the more we shall bless God for the Redeemer’s finished work,
  and the more carefully and cautiously we shall walk
    in our intercourse with an ungodly world.
Nothing will prove our election by the Father, or
  our redemption by the Son,
  but the sanctification of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, while below, may I enjoy
More sanctifying grace;
Then shall my spirit soar on high,
And feel more solid peace.
James Smith 1849

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