Friday, October 4, 2024


The joy that was set before him.
Hebrews 12:2
JESUS could only rejoice in what would gratify his benevolent nature.
The object of his joy therefore must be benevolent; and
  that object was the complete salvation, and
  eternal happiness of his people.
To raise millions of fallen souls to the enjoyment of holiness
  and happiness for ever, he was willing to seek in the deep waters,
  and to suffer inconceivable agonies for a time.
He kept his eye on the conversion, sanctification,
  and glorification of his people,
  by which his Father would be glorified,
   and this sustained him.
He is now reaping the fruit of his pains, and
  waits expectantly the time when all for whom
  he suffered, bled, and died, will be made like him,
  stand complete before him, and
    enjoy the Kingdom with him for evermore.
O how his benevolent heart will be delighted,
  how his loving heart will overflow with joy,
  when he sees all his people safe in his Father's kingdom!
Beloved, if such was the joy of Jesus, what are to be our joy?
Ought it not to be to see him glorified, and
  to assist in glorifying him,
    first on earth and then in heaven.
This is the heaven I long to know;
For this with patience I would wait,
Til wean’d from the earth and all below,
I mount to my celestial seat,
And, wave my palm, and wear my crown,
And with the elders cast them down.
James Smith 1849

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