Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
My Sweet Mother in Law home in heaven.

She was born the youngest of seven children and is survived only by her sister, Mary Moak of Gage, Oklahoma. She was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years, Henry E. (Gene) McQuigg, and a son Joseph P. McQuigg. Her surviving children are Dennis (Velina) McQuigg of Tyler, Regena (Jeff) Hallmark of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, Chris (Terri) McQuigg of Tyler and Tim (Christy) McQuigg of Tyler; 13 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. The family moved to Tyler in 1973.
Services will be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at Burks Walker Tippit Funeral Home with Rev. Lloyd McCaskill officiating. She will be entombed at Cathedral in the Pines.
The family will received friends from 5:30 to 7:30 Monday at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to Willowbrook Baptist Church in lieu of flowers.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
O Canada 15 Largest Cities
How many of Canada’s most populous cities can you name in 3 minutes? Let’s find out.
Take the Quiz: Name Canada’s 15 Largest Cities
Come back and tell us how you did on the Quiz
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
KJB - 2011 EXPO
Click on above KJB 2011 Expo Contact Mr. Jason Georges |
Monday, April 18, 2011
Parable of the Twins
Thanks for your prayers and encouragements to Regena and our family.

Parable of the Twins
Once upon a time, twin boys were conceived.
Weeks passed and the twins developed. As their awareness grew, they laughed for joy: "Isn't it great that we were conceived? Isn't it great to be alive?"
Together the twins explored their worlds. When they found their mother's cord that gave them life, they sang for joy! "How great our mother's love is, that she shares her own life with us!"
As weeks stretched into months, the twins noticed how much each was changing. "What does it mean?" one asked." It means our stay in this world is drawing to an end." said the other.
"But I don't want to go," said one. "I want to stay here always."
"We have no choice," said the other. "But maybe there is life after birth."
"But how can there be?" responded one. "We will shed our life cord and how can life be possible without it? Besides, we have seen evidence that others were here before us, and none of them has returned to tell us there is life after birth. No, this is the end. Maybe there is no mother after all."
"But there has to be," protested the other. "How else did we get here? How do we remain alive?"
"Have you ever seen our mother?" asked one. "Maybe she only lives in our minds. Maybe we made her up because the idea made us feel good."
So the last days in the womb were filled with deep questioning and fear. Finally, the moment of birth arrived. When the twins had passed from their world, they opened their eyes and cried for joy - for what they saw exceeded their fondest dreams.
That is death as experienced by Christians.
- Author Unknown
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corinthians 2:9
Right now our favourite twins.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Another day at Chick-fil-a
I held the door open for a man and his granddaughter, then waited for my daughter Leah. Once inside we ordered and the man and his granddaughter was Eddy and Coby, Leah's good friend's dad and daughter. I hadn't seen Eddy in a number of years and he lost a lot of weight.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Speed Traps in Your City

Again technology to another level ... it works. The ones I looked up are right on target. Consider yourself warned.
This is for real ... in much detail. Even to the description of the unmarked cars used for layering and ticketing in all states. This is interesting.
Click on what ever state you want and then it will show the city or towns you want to view, click on which one you want to view see if you know any of them.
You can see them in the cities in the U.S. or Canada . Very interesting.
I had no idea this was available to everyone.
Do you know the speed-traps in your hometown? Click on the link below http://www.speedtrap.org/ It works great just link to your state then city...
Hey, give me a comment back as to how close this site is, it is bang on for P.G. and could add another street or two.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
'Why do we let them dress like that?'
reposted from another blog - jnh
From: http://www.onenewsnow.
Moses continues, "We are the first moms in history to have grown up with widely available birth control....We were also the first not only to be free of old-fashioned fears about our reputations, but actually pressured by our peers and the wider culture to find our true womanhood in the bedroom. Not all of us are former good-time girls now drowning in regret -- I know women of my generation who waited until marriage -- but that's certainly the norm among my peers."
But following that "norm" did not produce happiness. Speaking of her own friends, Moses says, "I don't know one of them who doesn't have feelings of lingering discomfort regarding her own sexual past. And not one woman I've ever asked about the subject has said that she wishes she'd 'experimented' more."
Another wrote: "It is sad to see girls give away something so precious. Our daughters need our loving guidance toward living well-adjusted lives away from the call for promiscuity from all over. They need to enjoy being young women of character. It is hard for a teenager to look to her future life, but parents must guide them to protect that future by how they present themselves now. If we require modesty in the workplace, why can't we require modesty in our most precious young daughters?"
A homeschooling parent wrote: "The socialization offered by the public and by public school is exactly what we are trying to avoid....The [popularized] view of the opposite sex as sex objects is the central social message of public school children, the mainstream-media, movies, and most TV. It may be the single most destructive thing many Christian homeschoolers are trying to avoid, and rightly so....maybe you can't control who your children become, but while they live in your home you can do your best to protect them from this destructive message and group-think."
This is exactly the message that I've been sharing at recent homeschool conventions -- homeschooling provides the best cultural medium for parents to protect their children from the toxic effects of a media and entertainment culture that produces hyper-sexualized and often obscene materials.
The most recent example of this hyper-sexualization showed up in the marketing of Abercrombie Kids, a division of Abercrombie and Fitch that markets specifically to 8- to 14-year-olds. Their latest swimwear includes the "Ashley Push-Up Triangle," a triangular-shaped bikini top that comes with thick padding (see related article). Human behavior expert Dr. Patrick Wanis called this "disturbing and dangerous" on Fox News, asking: "Are we sexualizing young girls to get the attention of men or to encourage women to use their daughters to compensate for their own lack of sexual appeal by living vicariously through their daughter?"
The latter question is one that Jennifer Moses pondered as well. "What teenage girl doesn't want to be attractive, sought-after and popular?" she wrote. "And what mom doesn't want to help that cause? In my own case, when I see my daughter in drop-dead gorgeous mode, I experience something akin to a thrill -- especially since I myself am somewhat past the age to turn heads."
This flag of "personal freedom" was the banner both young and old marched under as they threw off, "all thought of God's constraint" wrote Dr. D. James Kennedy in How to Have a Joyful Home. They "completely rebelled against their Creator and Lawgiver," he observed.
In rebelling against our Creator and Lawgiver as a society, we've also lost the recognition that "Our loving heavenly Father knows the best way for us to live," wrote Dr. Kennedy. "By following God's laws and living as a disciple of Jesus Christ, our lives will be as blessed as they can be in this sin-cursed world. God is on our side, and He wants what is best for us."
Sadly, many Christians, have a mistaken idea of what "God's best" is. Too often we think that happiness should be our goal. But, as Dr. Kennedy wrote, "God's best for us isholiness."
Many people equate "holiness" with legalistic restrictions that for all practical purposes seem impossible to keep. The "holy life" is possible, however, wrote Dr. Kennedy, "with the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us."
Holiness and purity go hand in hand. When Christians seek holiness, we will not let our daughters dress like prostitutes, and we will be diligent in teaching them about purity. For what truly makes a young women attractive is, as the Apostle Peter described in his first letter, "the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."
Friday, April 8, 2011
Catholic Church & the KJV
April 8, 2011 Volume 12, Issue 14
What the reporter forgot to mention was Rome’s most significant role in that project, which was burning that “Catholic priest” in a public spectacle in Vilvoorde, Belgium. The “priest” in question was William Tyndale, who published the first printed English Bible and the first English Bible translated directly from Greek and Hebrew. Though he was an ordained Catholic priest, he renounced the Roman Catholic Church and its heresies and called the pope the Antichrist.
In The Practice of Prelates, Tyndale likened the pope to an ivy which climbs up a tree and gradually saps the strength of the host and kills it, emphasizing that this is what the pope had done to England and every other nation under the papal thumb. Tyndale called Roman Catholicism “a nest for unclean birds.” Tyndale also brazenly disobeyed Rome’s law that forbade the translation of the Bible into the common languages of the people without ecclesiastical permission.
When the Tyndale New Testament was smuggled into England (because the Roman Catholic authorities there forbade its distribution) large quantities were confiscated and burned, beginning in 1526. By 1528, the prisons were filled with those who had committed the “crime” of reading the New Testament in English, and in 1529 Thomas Hitton became the first in a long line of believers who were burned at the stake for possessing the Tyndale Bible. (Others had previously been burned for possessing the Wycliffe Bible.)
In May 1535, Tyndale was arrested for his “heresies” and for his audacity at thumbing his nose at papal laws. After being imprisoned for nearly a year and a half in a cold, dreary dungeon in the castle at Vilvoorde, William Tyndale was taken out to the public square, strangled, and his body burned. Roman Catholic authorities also burned John Rogers, the translator of the Matthew’s Bible, another Bible in the lineage of the 1611 King James. Further, the Geneva Bible, which was the most popular English Bible before the KJV, was produced in Geneva, Switzerland, instead of England for the simple reason that the Roman Catholic Queen Mary was pouring out such vicious persecution upon Bible believers that many fled to Geneva for safety.
And going back before Tyndale to the first English Bible, let’s not forget that the Roman Catholic Church condemned John Wycliffe of “heresy” for translating the English Bible and so hated his memory that they dug up his bones and burned them nearly 44 years after his death. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church did have a major role in the English Bibles preceding the King James, and let’s not forget it!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Since I am down here in the states ....
Why Canadians Love To Shop In The U.S.

Ever wonder why Canadians get so excited crossing the border to go shopping?
The main trigger is usually when the Canadian dollar (CAD) is at par with the USD, but even if it isn’t, there are plenty of other reasons to skip across that line, especially if you are a young woman shopper such as myself.
I enjoy shopping for clothes, but sometimes the unjustifiably high prices in Canada force me to wait until I cross the border to pick up what I need, or do without.
This really helps me to curb my shopping impulses and continue figuring out how to not spend more than I make.
1. U.S.-Only Stores
The U.S. has stores and recognizable brands that are coveted by Canadians everywhere, the biggest one being Target, lovingly nicknamed “Tarjay” by loyal fans.
Going across the border just to shop at Target is not unheard of, seeing as basic essentials and even things for the home are not only stylish, but also affordable.
Sure, we have other discount stores here, but it just isn’t the same and the goods are not as fashionable and at such affordable prices, even with the exchange rate factored in.
Aside from Target, another store I like to browse online is J.Crew. The retailer doesn’t have brick-and-mortar stores here in Canada, so I have no choice but to buy what I want online, pay the high shipping costs to get the items to me and cross my fingers in hopes that it fits.
2. A Larger Variety of Goods
Even when we have certain brands from the U.S. available in stores, it is never the whole line. Take for instance the brand Anthropologie.
They have a single Canadian store in Toronto, but it doesn’t carry the whole line of Anthropologie clothing available to American shoppers, and even the the Canadian online store itself is different from the American one.
As a shopper, it is easy to get frustrated because you want to purchase something you saw on their U.S. site, only to realize it is not available for Canadians.
There are other instances where I or my family members have tried to find certain specialty products, only to realize it can only be ordered online from an American retailer.
3. Fixed Prices on Products are Lower
The suggested retail price on many products, like books for example, are a good 10% to 30% lower in the U.S.
Even with the dollar having flirted with par for the past few years, retailers haven’t adjusted their pricing for Canadians and cite other factors such as higher distribution costs to justify the higher price tag.
I can understand a slight increase due to distribution, but a 30% increase?
Even makeup can cost more in Canada! For instance, a best-seller makeup palette by Urban Decay sells for $48 USD in the United States, but its price goes up to $53 once it crosses the border into our greedy little paws.
4. Deals and Discounts are better
Even if you don’t take into account the dollar being at par, or that the printed retail prices are lower in the States, the U.S. generally has better deals to offer.
With more competition from so many companies jostling for attention, the deals are juicier.
5. Gas and food are cheaper, too
Now, I know this isn’t true for every American city, but just looking at the price of heirloom tomatoes or gasoline in the U.S. can make a Canadian frustrated.
Americans pay on average 25% – 40% less for gas, after the gallons have been converted to liters.
As for food, Americans pay at least 20% less for staples such as dairy, meat and even fresh fruit or vegetables.
6. Lower Sales Taxes and Duty-Free Allowances
The States doesn’t offer any sales tax refunds to Canadians shopping across the border, but there are still savings to be had.
Consider, for example, that the average American sales tax rate is 8.62%, whereas the taxes in Quebec and Ontario (two provinces I frequent), are at 13%.
Other savings can be found in duty-free allowances:
If you stay 24 hours in the States, you don’t have to pay Canadian taxes on purchases under $50.
48 hours? Now you’re looking at not having to pay Canadian taxes on purchases under $400.
If you stay for a week, you’re able to bring back $750 worth of goods and not pay any Canadian taxes.
In conclusion, while Canada has some pretty fantastic benefits such as the TFSA, universal health care and a higher minimum wage (the lowest being $8.00/hour in British Columbia), many Canadians (myself included) still feel like the shopping will always be better on the other side.
Oh, and the bright side to all of this? Since prices in Canada feel so artificially inflated to me, I often end up saving my money rather than shopping — which is ultimately better for my bank account.
Serena blogs at Fabulously Broke in the City, a lifestyle blog with a hint of money talk, and for The Everyday Minimalist, a minimalist blog that is all about living with less but only the best. Serena also occasionally freelances and writes for Investopedia.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Greetings across and from the TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE....
Bro. Jeff Hallmark
Wear Red On Fridays
Prayer & Support the Troops
Canadian - Israel - US of A