Saturday, September 25, 2021



James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Human nature does not like submission, and yet there is no happiness without it.
It is only as our wills accord with the will of God, 
  as we cheerfully submit to all his dispensations, 
    that we can be peaceful or joyful.
Without submission there can be no holiness, for its opposite is rebellion.
If I refuse to submit to God, 
  I oppose his authority, 
  question his wisdom, 
  doubt his love, and 
  despise his word.
In proportion as I am sanctified, 
  I shall cheerfully bow to whatever 
  I discover to be the will of God, 
    receive with gratitude whatever comes from the hand of God 
    and endeavour to do whatever bears the stamp of the authority of God.
Without submission there is no salvation.
We must acknowledge his justice.
Confess our sins.
Bow at his throne.
Seek for pardon on the ground of mercy.
And acquiesce in his plan of salvation by grace, or 
  we shall never be delivered from the wrath to come.
Submit yourselves therefore to God,
   to be saved by his grace, 
     to be ruled by his word, 
       to be disposed of by his providence, and 
         to be employed for his glory as he will.
Only submit, and you are happy;
  seek for thorough sanctification; 
   entire submission; and you are safe forever.

The Sov’reign Father, good and kind,
Wants but to have his child resign’d;
Wants but thy yielded heart, no more,
Thee with his richest grace to store.
James Smith

Friday, September 24, 2021



Psalm 86:4
Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee,
O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
It is a greater honour to be the Lord’s servant, than to be the son of the greatest monarch upon earth.
But all God’s true servants are also his sons.
He loves them as his children, while he employs them to accomplish his designs.
They are all willing servants.
They are convinced that they ought to be employed for him, 
  they have engaged themselves to serve him, and 
   they love their Master,
     their work, 
        their fellow servants, and 
           their wages.
But though employed for God, they are not always happy in God.
They lose sight of their true state, high relation, glorious prospects, and present privileges: 
  or their evidences are clouded, 
    or Satan harasses them, 
      or providence appears to frown upon them, 
         or the law in the members prevails against them, 
             and they are cast down.
Or, it may be that the Lord is rebuking them for some sin, 
   or is displeased, because some idol is set up, some Agag is spared.
They cannot claim comfort, or take joy, 
    but they can pray for it.
David did so, “Restore unto me the joys of thy salvation.”
“Rejoice the soul of thy servant.”
Do you do so?
One ray of light, 
    one word of grace, 
       one whisper of his love, 
          will fill you with joy and peace.

Oh bid my heart rejoice,
And every fear control:
Since at thy throne, with suppliant voice,
To thee I lift my soul.
James Smith

Thursday, September 23, 2021



Malachi 1:2
I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say,
Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau
Jacob’s brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
This is a strange question, especially as proceeding from the Lord’s people.
But it is only speaking out, what many feel within.
Do you ask, wherein has the Lord loved you.
Look at the gifts he has conferred upon you.
His Son to die for you.
His Spirit to quicken, teach, and sanctify you.
His angels to minister unto you.
His covenant to secure you.
His glorious kingdom to be eternally possessed and enjoyed by you.
Look at the account he makes of you, he calls you his love, the dearly beloved of his soul.
His jewels, his crown, his dear son.
If he compare you with the world, 
  you are gold, that dross—
   you are wheat, that chaff—
    you are sheep—, 
          that swine—or goats, or serpents.
Look at the relations he sustains to you as a Father
  —a Husband
  —a Brother
  —a Friend.
The office he fills for you, 
  an Advocate
  —a Captain
   —a head
     —a King.
Look at what he has already done for you, provided a righteousness, 
  conferred a pardon, 
    given his peace, 
      appointed the Mediator, 
         blessed you with all spiritual blessing.
Surely you will exclaim, “his love is wonderful, beyond comparison, beyond expression.”

Lord, give me with a grateful heart,
Thy mercy to improve;
And Ebenezers daily rear
To praise the God of love.
James Smith

Wednesday, September 22, 2021



Psalm 3:8
Salvation belongeth unto the LORD:
thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.
They were blessed in Christ, with all spiritual blessings, before the world was.
They are blessed through Christ, with every good thing, while here below.
And they will be blessed with Christ, with more than heart can conceive, in the world to come.
The Lord’s blessing is upon their persons, and they are set apart for his praise.
Upon their comforts, and they promote their holiness.
Upon their trials, and they work their real good.
Upon their labours, and they advance his kingdom and glory.
Upon their families, as the house of Obed-edom was blessed for the Ark’s sake.
Behold, thus is the man blessed that feareth the Lord.
Beloved, this is your privilege, the blessings of God is upon you.
Do you realize it?
Do you manifest it?
Remember, it flows from grace.
It comes to you through Jesus.
It is enjoyed in the exercise of faith, and in the way of obedience.
It is insured, by the oath and promise of God.
It includes all you can need, or consistently desire.
Retire to rest to-night impressed with the thought, “The Blessing of God is upon me.”
Or, if afraid to claim it, with the prayer, “Bless me, even me, O my Father.”
Lord make it plain that I am thine,
In Jesus bless’d, with Jesus one;
That all the promises are mine,
As thy belov’d, adopted son.
James Smith

Tuesday, September 21, 2021



Micah 7:7
Therefore I will look unto the LORD;
I will wait for the God of my salvation:
my God will hear me.
He has promised it, and he is faithful to his word.
He has done so in times past, and what he has done is the pledge of what he will do.
Besides, he is my Father, as well as my God.
He knows my nature.
He appointed my lot.
He has given me the Spirit of grace and supplication.
He bids me call upon him.
He has assured me that he “is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.”
And that “he will fulfil the desire of them that fear him; he also will hear their cry and will save them.”
Beloved, let us then call upon God let us pour out our complaints before him—let us present our petitions to him—let us seek his help, his presence, and his blessing—he will hear us.
Men may become alienated from us, our God never will.
Friends may turn a deaf ear to us, our God never can.
Let us then come to the same determination as Micah did, and say,
  “Therefore will I look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God 
   of my salvation; my God will hear me. Rejoice not against me, 
   O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness,
   the Lord shall be a light unto me.”

Praying on, and never ceasing,
Saviour! I thy word shall prove,
Bless’d with all the gospel blessing,
Fill’d with holy, heavenly love.
James Smith

Monday, September 20, 2021




Psalm 86:11
Teach me thy way, O LORD;
I will walk in thy truth:
unite my heart to fear thy name.
God’s truth is opposed to many of our customs, prejudices, and inclinations.
It requires what our depraved nature thinks hard, and prohibits what we naturally love.
The resolution therefore is noble.
It reflects honour upon him who formed it.
Let us follow his example.
To walk in the truth so to believe it.
To receive it into the mind, as a communication from God.
To place confidence in it.
But faith without works is dead, therefore it includes the practice of it.
The true Christian prays, “Teach me to do thy will.”
He purposes, “I will run in the way of thy commandments,” for there is the enjoyment of the truth.
It brings us glad tidings.
It furnishes us with a feast as well as a rule.
It charms while it corrects.
It consoles while it requires.
It makes us happy as well as holy; or rather it makes us happy by making us holy.
If we believe the truth, let us profess the truth, and let our profession be open, sincere, and scriptural.
If we have made profession of the truth, let it be our daily vocation to adorn it; to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called in all godliness and honesty.
Thou Great Instructor, lest I stray,
O teach me erring feet the way:
Thy truth with ever fresh delight,
Shall guide my doubtful footsteps right
James Smith

Sunday, September 19, 2021



Hosea 13:6
According to their pasture, so were they filled;
they were filled, and their heart was exalted;
therefore have they forgotten me.
He had brought them into the good land.
They were placed in circumstances of prosperity.
They gave way to self-indulgence.
They were lifted up with pride.
Therefore they forgot God their Saviour, who had done such great things for them.
We often fancy that we could bear prosperity better than adversity, but those who have been tried have proved the reverse.
The heart is secretly, and, at first, imperceptibly led away from God.
The affections are set on things below.
Indulging the flesh unfits for spiritual duties and exercises.
Divine things lose their savour and power.
The means of grace, convey no grace to the soul.
We relax in duty.
Satan employs his influence to harden our hearts, to alienate our affections, to blond our minds, and to stupify our consciences.
The warnings of God’s word are disregarded, the throne of grace is neglected, worldly company is preferred, and then God is forgotten.
We forget his deliverances, his favours, his claims, his threatenings, until aroused by some painful visitation.
Brethren, let us be cautious—circumspect—aware of our danger—and carefully examine into our personal state.
I left my guide to happiness,
I lost the true eternal peace,
Nor can my soul retrieve its rest,
Till lodg’d again in Jesu’s breast.
James Smith

Saturday, September 18, 2021



Galatians 5:13
For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty;
only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh,
but by love serve one another.
The root of all acceptable obedience is love.
Love springs from faith. And produces all good.
Nothing that we can do is good, except it flow from love.
Love is chief thing in religion.
We may have gifts, honours, and benevolence: but without love, we are only as sounding as brass or a tinkling cymbal.
Nature desires to rule over others, but grace is willing to serve them.
Look around you, are there not many whom you can serve, and serve effectively, without neglecting your other important duties?
Are you willing to do so?
If not, where is your love?
If you have not loved, where is your religion?
Love is the fulfilling of the law, and it is the chief production of the gospel.
Love is Godlike.
It is Christlike.
Love is heaven.
Love will visit the sick—cheer the sorrowful—clothe the naked—feed the hungry—and become all things to all men, if by any means it may save some.
Love will make our wilderness world a garden; and our divided church a paradise.
What we do from love we do easily—cheerfully—heartily—constantly—and acceptably.
See then that ye love one another, with a pure heart fervently; thus serve Christ, and imitate his conduct toward his foes.
Heirs of the same immortal bliss,
Our hopes and fears the same,
With bonds of love our hearts untie,
With mutual love inflame
James Smith

Friday, September 17, 2021



Jeremiah 50:34
Their Redeemer is strong; the LORD of hosts is his name: 
he shall thoroughly plead their cause, 
that he may give rest to the land, 
and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon.
The Redeemer is the nearest of kin.
No one is so nearly related to us, or by so many and various ties, as the Lord Jesus; and he is our Redeemer.
He gave his holy life a ransom for us.
He sent his Holy Spirit to rescue us from the hands of our spiritual enemies.
He will exert his almighty power to raise us from the dead, and so complete our redemption.
What he undertook, he can accomplish, for he is string.
What he has promised he will perform, for he is faithful.
We shall therefore be completely delivered from Satan, who held us captive; from sin which tyrannised over us; from death, which is an enemy to us; and from hell, which we justly deserved.
Our Redeemer is strong, therefore let us place confidence in him; let us look to him alone for deliverance from our foes and fears; let us never dishonour him by supposing that he will allow our enemies to triumph over us.
He graciously quickened us when dead in trespasses and sins, and he will perfect that which concerneth us, for he will not forsake the work of his own hands.
Our Redeemer is strong, the Lord of Hosts is his name, and he will thoroughly plead our cause.
Jesus our Lord in thee
We a Redeemer have,
Strong to set thy people free.
Omnipotent to save.
James Smith

Thursday, September 16, 2021



Malachi 3:8
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. 
But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? 
In tithes and offerings.
This is a very solemn question, for to attempt it must be very daring.
But who can plead not guilty?
If we will not take what he has, we have withheld what he claims.
He charges us with the crime; he says, “Ye have robbed me.”
We have robbed him of his time.
His own day, and other times which he claims, and which should be devoted to him.
We have robbed him of property.
What he lent us, we have claimed as our own.
What was given us for others, we have squandered or hoarded for self. We have withheld from his cause what he entrusted to our care for is benefit.
We have robbed him of the heart.
This we have given to others— to idols. They have been loved, trusted, afford, and feared before him.
We have robbed him of our talents.
Spending them in the service of others, and suing them in the service of others. And using them for the gratification and aggrandizement of ourselves.
What can we say to such conduct?
Is it not ungrateful?
For he is our Father.
Is it not daring?
For he could crush us with a look.
Let us reflect upon our characters, robbers of God.
Let us confess our crimes, obtain a pardon, change our course, and render unto God the things that are God’s.
Guilty I plead before thy throne:
My God, my crimes forgive;
I plead the Saviour’s blood alone:
Pardon, and bid me live.
James Smith

Wednesday, September 15, 2021



Daniel 4:35
... among the inhabitants of the earth: and 
none can stay his hand, or say unto him, 
What doest thou?
The hand of God is his providence, or his wisdom and power in operation of the accomplishment of his will.
No one can possibly frustrated his designs.
Nothing can throw confusion into his plans.
He steadily pursues his object.
Easily accomplishes his purpose.
Performs all his pleasure.
All his saints are in his hand, therefore they are safe.
His hand is at work for them, therefore they shall not be injured.
He always works in accordance with his word.
His predictions must come to pass.
His promises must be fulfilled.
His charge must be safe.
Beloved, the hand of God is lifted up to defend you, therefore you are safe.
His hand is opened to supply you, therefore you shall not want.
His hand is beneath you, therefore you shall not fall.
Trust in Jesus, in his wisdom and power.
Exercise faith in his providence.
His hand will crush or convert your foes, protect you and supply your wants, guide you through the desert, and lift you up for ever.
Look from circumstances to the hand that overrules them: it is your Father’s hand, and his hand is moved by his heart, which heart glows with unutterable love to you.
He works for you, and “None can stay his hand.”
Jehovah’s arm, shall be my strength,
And his almighty power
Will well fulfil his promises,
And victory ensure.
James Smith

Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Matthew 26:58
But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest’s palace, 
and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end.
And have not we done so too?
Once we thought that nothing could cool our love, damp our ardour, or turn our feet aside.
But we have long since discovered our mistake
Still, it is better to follow at a distance, than turn our backs upon him.
For Peter there was some excuse, in the circumstances in which his Master was placed; for us there is none.
Faith brings us near to Jesus, and love keeps us near; unbelief is the cause of our slow pace and declining in his ways.
It poisons our comforts, falsifies our profession, damps zeal, hinders our communion, thrusts us to a distance from Jesus, and alienates our souls from his ways.
Let us encourage and feel our faith, it will strengthen our hearts, quicken our pace, endear our Saviour, fortify our mind, and keep us near to our beloved Lord.
Reader, are you following the Lord closely? Or are you, like Peter, afar off?
If you are, beware.
You know what this conduct led in him; it is not possible to say, where it may lead you.
Get close to Jesus and keep close.
Let your thoughts father round him, your affections fix upon him, and your hope centre in him.
The soul that would to Jesus cleave,
And hear his secret call,
Must his own strength and wisdom leave,
And let the Lord be all.
James Smith




Colossians 1:10
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord 
unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, 
and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Our knowledge at present is very imperfect.
We know but in part.
The means of knowledge are in our hands, but we have not always the heart to turn them to account.
God must be known or he cannot be loved, or he will not be trusted: we shall neither adore his perfections, not reverence his majesty, nor seek his favour, nor fear his frown, nor do his commandments, except we know him.
Paul knew this, therefore he prayed for the Colossians, that they might increase in the knowledge of God.
If we would know him, we must read his works, observe his providence, and study his word.
But it is in Jesus that he reveals himself most clearly and most fully.
Therefore he says, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.”
Do you know God at all?
You did not once, therefore be thankful.
But your knowledge is small and very imperfect, therefore seek an increase of it.
Remember Jesus said. “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.”
He that hath an extensive knowledge of God in Jesus, hath a never failing source of happiness.
Sine, mighty God, with vigour shine,
On benighted heart of mine;
And let thy glories stand reveal’d,
As in the Saviour’s face behold.
James Smith