Tuesday, November 30, 2021




Proverbs 18:12
…before honour is humility.
The Lord always humbles before he exalts.
He strips us, before he clothes us with the best robe.
He empties us, before he fills us with his grace.
We must take our seat on the dunghill, before we are raised to sit with the princes of his people.
Ut us the weak that he strengthens.
The poor that he supplies.
The condemned that he justifies.
The homeless that he crowns with glory.
We must be nothing, if we would inherit all things.
We must be quite empty, if we would be filled with all the fulness of God.
He giveth grace unto the humble.
Joseph must lie in the dungeon, before he is seated in the second chariot of Egypt.
David must be hunted like the partridge upon the mountains, 
  before he is raised to dill the throne of Israel.
Paul must be a poor blind sinner before he becomes the great Apostle.
This is God’s plan.
The righteous who are now accounted the offscouring of all things, 
   are destined to shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Beloved, fear not to go down; the lower you descend in humility, 
  the higher you will rise in glory:
    the deeper your penitence, the sweeter your joys.

He draws from human littleness,
His grandeur and renown;
And humble hearts with joy confess,
The triumph all his own.
James Smith

Monday, November 29, 2021




Zechariah 4:10
…the day of small things?
The work of grace in some persons is scarcely discernible.
Their faith is so weak.
Their knowledge is so small.
Their love is so feeble.
Their reserve is so great.
They cannot open their minds to any one.
They are held in perpetual bondage.
Yet they are the Lord’s.
They have light enough to see the emptiness of the world,
  the vileness of sin, and the value of Christ.
They long for the enjoyment of his love, and
  desire above all things an interest in him.
They cannot say they love him, but they heartily desire to do so.
They have many fears and few joys.
They say they do not pray, and yet they could not live without going to the throne of grace.
In their esteem nothing is to be compared with union to Christ, 
  no people are so happy, 
    as the Lord’s people, and 
      they feel that they would give a world to be like them.
It is with such the day of small things,
   but these are the things which accompany salvation.
There is the acorn form with the oak will grow.
Beloved, do not despise the day of small things;
   God does not; Jesus does not; you should not.
The first faint spark of good desire
Which feebly would to heaven aspire,
Its kindler God, will not despise;
The spark into a flame will spread;
And bless’d by him by the smallest seed
Of faith into a tree shall rise.
James Smith

Sunday, November 28, 2021




Job 13:15
…yet will I trust in him:
Nor can you do better.
Nay, you cannot do so well.
It is the very best thing you can do.
But suppose he strips me of my property, 
  bereave me of my children, 
    deprive me of my health, 
      sever me from my friends, and
        hide his face from me.
Still trust in him.
Not only so, but if he appears to stand over you as an executioner, 
  with the axe uplifted, 
    ready to strike the fatal blow,
      still trust in him.
You have his word, and 
   he cannot deny it, 
     he will not falsify it.
He must be faithful.
He will be kind.
He can never turn away from the imploring eye of his afflicted child.
Hr never will refuse to honour his word of promise, 
  when it is pleaded at his throne.
Trust in him, for he is only trying thy faith, 
  deepening thy experience, and 
    laying a foundation for thy future happiness.
Trust in him, and you will some day bless him for this very trial.
Trust in him, and when he hath tried you, you shall come forth as gold.
Though Satan tempts you, though corruption rages upon you, 
  though the world may frown upon you. 

Though Christian friends are unkind to you, 
  though all things appear to be against you, still say,
“Yet will I trust in him.”

Why should I dread Jehovah’s hand,
Though it might crush to dust?
‘Tis love that gives his arm command,
And in that love I trust.
James Smith

Saturday, November 27, 2021




Psalm 51:7
…wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
David was no common sinner. His crimes were of a crimson colour.
His views of his sin were vivid and powerful.
But so exalted were his views of the efficacy of the atonement, that he felt persuaded that if it were applied, it would entirely remove the stain.
He believed that if the Lord washed him, he would do it thoroughly; that every spot and trace of sin would be taken away, and that he should be pure as an angel of light. He has realized this.
He is enjoying it at this moment. Beloved, however black thy crimes, however deep the stains of sin may be on thy soul, the precious blood of Jesus can remove the whole.
If thy God wash thee, he will purge out every stain; he will make thee perfectly clean.
It is said of those above, “They are without fault before the throne of God.”
And it is said of Jesus, to his eternal honour, that he is able “to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.”
You never can estimate the value of a Saviour’s blood. You never can have too exalted views of its efficacy, for it cleanseth from all sin.
Precious blood!
See, see the fountain flows,
To purge thy guilty stains,
Till whiter than purest snows,
Descending o’er the plains.
James Smith

Friday, November 26, 2021




Jeremiah 48:11
…he hath settled on his lees
This was the effect of prosperity. 

He was now wise in his own wisdom, and
  strong in his own strength.
All was calm and tranquil, and he was settled down in self-satisfaction. 

This would soon be the case with us, if it were not for trials and temptations.
We should, like Israel, forget God our Saviour, and
  lightly esteem the Rock of our salvation.
To a certain extent this is sometimes the case, 
  we settle down and the prayer becomes formal, 
    spiritual good tasteless, 
       the things of God mere common place matters.
There is no wrestling with God, no savoury spiritual conversation; 
  the form is maintained, but the power is gone.
When this happens, if we are really Christians, 
  we may look out for troubles, for they will surely come: 
    our God will stir us up, as the eagle stirreth up her nest.
He will send one trial upon another, 
  one message after another, 
    until he brings us back to himself 
       with weeping and supplication.
Moab may settle on his lees, but Israel shall not; 
  therefore beware of sinking into such an unbecoming state.
“Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion.”
Now is the time for diligence, for activity in God’s cause.
Be wise to run thy race,
And cast off every load:
Strive to be rich in works of grace,
Be rich towards thy God.
James Smith

Thursday, November 25, 2021




Job 7:16
I loathe it; I would not live alway:
let me alone; for my days are vanity.
Yet we should be willing to live as long as God pleases.
He will keep us in this world no longer than he can in some way get glory by us.
Still, pain and suffering make life appear long, and death desirable.
It is generally the sufferer who says, “I loathe it, I would not live alway.”
But the language is suited to us, for if we were to live alway, 
  we should sin alway,
  we should mourn alway, 
  we should be alway passing through tribulation.
Who would live alway at a distance from home, in a state of exile? 
  But such is our state now.
Well, we shall not live alway, 
  nor shall we live long, 
    our remaining days may be very few;
      let us not therefore be much concerned about how long we shall live, 
        but let us aim to live to some good purpose.
Let us live while we live.
Let us live for God—for the good of souls
  —for the spread of the gospel
  —for the improvement of the church
  —for the honour of Christ
  —and for the destruction of sin.
Let us endeavour so to live, as neither to fear death nor life.
Let us live expecting everlasting life, 
  where the satisfaction will be perfect, and
   the appetite for enjoyment will be always fresh.
Let us live upon Christ, and for Christ.
No; I would not always live,
Always sin, repent, and grieve,
Always in my dungeon groan,
Always serve a God unknown.
James Smith

Wednesday, November 24, 2021



Romans 5:6
…in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Not for the weak merely, but for the wicked.
For those who were totally depraved, and entirely unworthy of his notice.
Who had lost the image of God, were alienated from the life of God, and were enemies to God.
What wondrous grace is this!
He died only for the moral, or the amiable, or those who had something to recommend them to his notice, we might have given way to despair, and have concluded that he could not have died for us: but it was for the ungodly.
Just such as we are.
Actually for us if we believe him. In our stead. As our Substitute. That we might never die.
He was made sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Let us then draw comfort from this fact, that Jesus died, in order that ungodly sinners might live for ever.
He bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins might live unto righteousness.
We therefore, as believers in Jesus, shall never die.
Our sins are atoned for.
For us expiation is made.
We are entitled to life.
We have it.
For Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life.”
Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!
James Smith

Tuesday, November 23, 2021



Ezekiel 7:16
…all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity.
Such is the effect of real conversion to God.
The sinner under alarm may weep, he dreads the punishment of his sin; but the assured believer will mourn, because he has sinned against a God of love, and broken a law that is holy, just, and good.
He will mourn over the sin that dwells in him, which no one knows but himself; as well as for the iniquity that is discovered by his fellow men.
He daily mourns, because he daily sins.
Yet he is not unhappy. He knows that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth him from all sin.
He knows that to him the Lord will not impute sin.
He knows that he is accepted in the Beloved.
These things make him mourn.
The greater his confidence in God—the sweeter his enjoyment of a Saviour’s love—the closer he walks with God—the more he mourns for his iniquity.
His is repentance unto life. Godly sorrow, which needeth not to be repented ud.
Beloved, do you mourn for your iniquity?
Has there been any sorrow for sin working in your heart to-day?
You daily sin; you must daily repair to the fountain opened for sin; and you should daily mourn for your iniquity.
Dear Lord, may I a mourner be,
Over my sins and after thee;
And when my mourning days are o’er,
Enjoy the comforts evermore.
James Smith

Monday, November 22, 2021



Proverbs 3:6
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
Are you in perplexity?
At a loss which way to take, or what to do?
Does providence baffle all your schemes, and leave you in confusion and trouble?
The Lord is teaching you the lesson, which he taught his prophet Jeremiah, who said, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”
You must go to the Lord for wisdom, as well as for grace; and look to him for direction, as well as salvation.
He has marked out our path, but you cannot see the lines; go to him in child-like simplicity and ask him to throw light upon it, and then it will be all plain.
Seek his direction before every movement. Beseech him to go with you in every enterprise.
“In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.”
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
His eye is upon thee for good.
His ear is open to thy prayer.
He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry, when he shall hear he will answer thee. Consult his word, seek his blessing, honour his love, keep his company, aim at his glory, and he shall direct thy paths.
Commit to him thy doubtful way,
Rest on his care, and trust his hand:
His goodness shall thy path display,
And soon a prosperous end command.
James Smith


Sunday, November 21, 2021



2 Kings 10:15
Is thine heart right, 
as my heart is with thy heart?
This is an important enquiry.
With some the head is right,
 it has clear views of doctrine, and 
   can make correct statements respecting Christian experience, 
      but the heart is not right.
Reader, is thine?
Is it broken for sin?
It is set against sin?
It is fixed on the Lord Jesus?
Do you embrace the Lord’s word, 
  rest for acceptance on Jesus’ finished work, and 
    endeavour so to walk as to please God?
Is your heart glowing with love to the saints, 
  pity for the world, and 
    zeal for the glory of God?
Can you live comfortably, without living upon Christ?
Can you be satisfied without fellowship with God?
How is your heart affected towards the Bible, 
  the Lord’s day, and the means of grace?
Are you humbles under a sense of your sinfulness, and 
  filled with wonder at the exceeding grace of God towards you?
If so, your heart is right.
You must often visit Gethsemane and Calvary, 
  you must have fellowship with Christ in his sufferings, 
    or you cannot keep the heart right.
If it is not right, are you mourning on account of it?
Do you take it to Jesus?
Perhaps you are saying—
It mine were right, it could not be,
Good God, so contrary to thee,
So prone to every sin:
It must remain an evil heart,
Till thou thine hallowing grace impart,
And Christ is formed within.
James Smith


Saturday, November 20, 2021



Acts 14:3
…the word of his grace,
This is one of the titles of the blessed gospel.
It is God’s gracious word.
His gracious word to graceless sinners.
It originates in grace, and was once a mighty thought hid in the depths of the mind of God.
It was introduced into our world by grace, and by grace alone it has been continued until now.
It publishes grace, or a free pardon to all sinners who believe in Jesus: a hearty welcome to the Lord’s throne: a fulness opened in the Redeemer’s person to supply all our wants; and a legal title to heaven by faith in Christ Jesus.
It is made effectual by grace, and is the instrument by which the Lord produces the work of grace in our hearts.
It is essentially different from law, or legal requirement; for it speaks of favour shown, it presents blessings of inestimable value, and proclaims everlasting liberty as an act of sovereign grace.
Beloved, beware lest you legalize the gospel, or turn it into a law requiring, rather than what it is, the joyful sound of the Jubilee, proclaiming pardon, peace, liberty, and restoration to an everlasting inheritance.
It is the good news of God’s favour, the glad tidings of a full salvation for the poor, lost, and degraded children of men.
O Lord! the treasures of thy love
Are everlasting mines;
Deep as our helpless miseries are,
And boundless as our sins!
James Smith

Friday, November 19, 2021



1Samuel 7:12
Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us.
We have required help, for as creatures we are exposed, weak, and foolish; and 
  as Christians we are surrounded by snares, 
    opposed by enemies, 
      are timid and fearful, and 
        easily turned aside. 
We have received help, and help in every time of need.
It was through divine assistance that we were able to overcome unbelief and evil habits; 
  to take up our cross and bear it after Jesus; 
  to stand our ground amidst storms of temptation, and powerful opposition’ 
  to persevere in the good old way.
Having obtained help of God we continue to this day.
Let us then set up our Ebenezer, and acknowledge the help we have received.
Its source was divine, it came from above.
The supply had been sufficient—exactly suited to the circumstances 
  in which we are placed. 
  The manner of communication was at times direct, we can say,
   “The Lord helped me:” at other times indirect, the Lord helped us by others.
What should be the result?
Praise—hearty, grateful, constant praise.
Prayer—fervent, faithful, frequent prayer for help in future.
Patience—giving the Lord time, and waiting in quiet expectation for the fulfilment of his word.
Testimony—God is faithful.
Here I raise my Ebenezer,
Hither by thy help I come;
And I hope, by the good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
James Smith