Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thanks for feasting on Baptist Potluck in 2020

Greetings from the TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE… Canada           
I trust that you have enjoyed James Smith Morning Devotionals each day on I have been truly blessed by reading and promoting them as well.
I was introduced to the writings of James Smith by my good friend Don Rice pastor of Faith Baptist Church of Fritch, Texas. Bro. Don has introduced me to a good number of wonderful books written by the old-time preachers. I have tried to pass on these books and material knowing what a help they are to each one who takes the time and effort to spend with each one.
For 2021, I will be posting here on Baptist-potluck, James Smith Evening Devotionals. Will be posting around 3pm pacific standard time.
(Supper devotions, family reading time or quiet time before bed).
I will be posting James Smith Morning Devotionals on Spruceland Baptist Church Facebook page, each morning.
Want to thank each one who came by daily to read these writings of James Smith. These are great, but NOTHING replaces your Daily Bible reading.
God bless you and yours and Happy New Year
Jeff Hallmark


Proverbs 17:17
A friend loveth at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity.
Where shall we find such a friend?
He that redeems from slavery, and delivered from bondage, he is such a friend -- 
but Jesus does this.
He that restores to the favour of the judge who condemned, or the Lord who delivered over to bondage, is such a friend -- 
but Jesus does this.
He that admits to intimacy with himself, out of pure love, notwithstanding disparity of condition, is such a friend -- 
but Jesus does this.
He who counsels in trouble, and gives the best advice in perplexity, is such a friend -- 
but Jesus does this.
He who rescues from foes and renders their attempts to injure us abortive, is such a friend -- but Jesus does this.
He who takes the rejected and homeless, who clothes the naked and feeds the hungry, is such a friend -- but Jesus does this.
He who exposes himself to pain, injury, insult, and death, to do us good, is such a friend -- 
but Jesus has done this.
He who expends all His property for our welfare, is such a friend -- but Jesus did this.
He who kindly reproves our faults in prosperity, and visits, comforts, and relieves in adversity, is such a friend -- but Jesus does this.
He who loves us through life, in death, and for ever, is such a friend -- 
but Jesus doth so.

He is the friend who loveth at all times; changing scenes change not His affection.
He is friendship flows from purest love, and is founded in a perfect knowledge of our persons – wants – dispositions -- and propensities; His friendship is maintained by infinite patience -- boundless pity -- and the prospect of our being glorified with Him for ever.
He knows our frame, consults our welfare, and is determined to do us good.
He will not allow us to lose by any of His dispensations; but will increase our spiritual wealth by all means.
The friendship of Jesus secures all good, and prevents all evil; He will never fail us nor forsake us.
He commenced His friendship with a view to extend it through eternity; and it is the same at the close of the year as it is in the beginning.
O Jesus! let us love Thee with pure affection -- walk with Thee in sweet friendship -- and prove ourselves Thy friends in every place; be Thou our Friend – Counselor – Brother – Saviour -- Lord -- and God -- in life, death, and for ever.
One there is above all others,
Well deserves the name of Friend;
His is love beyond a brother’s,
Costly, free, and knows no end;
They who once His kindness prove,
Find it everlasting love.
Which, of all our friends to save us,
Could or would have shed his blood?
But our Jesus died to have us
Reconciled in Him to God!
This was boundless love indeed,
Jesus is a friend indeed.
James Smith

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and
be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
If the Lord is with us, all will be well; but He has promised to be with us always, even unto the end.
Any one but our God would have left us long ago; but He is long-suffering, full of compassion, and of great mercy.
He will go through the whole journey with us, He will be our God to all eternity, and will conduct us through life with safety.
He will be with us in every trouble, to support us;
  in every trial, to comfort us;
    in every difficulty, to provide for us;
      in every danger, to deliver us;
         and under all circumstances to bless us.
He will be with us as our heavenly Father –  as our firm and faithful Friend – and as our God;
and we shall be with Him by-and-by, as His children, dependants, and jewels, to be glorified with Him forever.
Beloved , let us rejoice in this, that God will never leave us;
  death may rob us,
    friends may leave us,
      troubles may come upon us;
but our God will not forsake His people for His great name’s sake, because it hath pleased the Lord to make them His people.
Having loved his own, He will love them unto the end.
Since he has said, “I'll ne’er depart.”
I'll bind His promise to my heart,
Rejoicing in His care;
This shall support what here I live,
And when in glory I arrive,
I'll praise Him for it there.
James Smith

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Romans 8:28 
And we know that all things work together for good 
to them that love God, to them who are the 
called according to his purpose. 
All the Lord’s people love God.
They do not love Him as they desire, yet they cleave to Him, and follow on to know Him.
He is their God, and has called them according to His own purpose and grace, which was given them in Jesus Christ before the world began, and it becomes the Christian to view everything as having its place in God’s economy; and its work to do in accomplishing God’s purpose.
Angels, men, and devils, but perform His pleasure.
All things are connected by the infinite wisdom and good pleasure of the Most High.
He superintends every movement of every one of His creatures; and directs them to answer His purpose and end.
He overrules everything for our good; we never lose anything worth keeping by any of His dispensations.
We may gain by all that occurs; we may gain wisdom – holiness - matter for prayer or praise - work for faith, patience, or hope.
However, our best interests are secured; every thing is working for the good of the church; and though it be a rough, it is a right way to our heavenly Father’s house.
All things on earth, and all in heaven,
On God's eternal will depend;
And all the greater good were given,
And all shall in His glory end;
This be my care! and this alone;
Father, in me Thy will be done.
James Smith

Monday, December 28, 2020


Gal 6:9 
And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 
It is not enough for us to be doing, we should be doing good.
We are redeemed and new created for this very purpose.
Let us act as before God, for the good of man; let us communicate advice, encouragement, or relief, in the fear of God and for His glory.
What is done well, is done in a good spirit, even the spirit of love -- humility -- and prayer; is done for a good motive, even the love of Christ; is done by a good rule, the commandment of the everlasting God; is done to a good end, the glory of Him who hath called and commanded us.
But we are prone to get weary of doing, especially if we are hasty -- or meet with disappointments -- or look at creatures -- or consult our own ease.
But let us not lose heart in the work, neither let us give it over; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
This is sowing time, but reaping time will come; let us therefore go on in divine strength -- with holy fortitude -- with fixed determination -- and resigning ourselves daily to God.
We shall reap in due season if we faint not; for God is orderly – faithful – bountieous – gracious; He will not forget our work and labour of love; but will reward even a cup of cold water, given in  a disciple in His name.
Put thou thy trust in God,
In duty’s path go on;
Fix on His word thy steadfast eye
So shall thy work be done.
James Smith

Sunday, December 27, 2020


1Corinthians 7:32 
But I would have you without carefulness.
He that is unmarried careth for the things
that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: 
Anxiety, or carefulness is very injurious; it divides the heart, distracts the mind, chokes the word, leads to distrust, and destroys our peace.
It is inconsistent with our profession; we have resigned all into the hands of the Lord, and should leave all to His blessings.
We should do everything As for the Lord, and consider our families, our properties, and our businesses, as the Lords so should we be holy and enjoy peace.
Anxiety, or inordinate care, dishonors God; it reflects upon His sufficiency to supply all -- upon His omniscience to discover all -- upon his authority and ability to manage all -- upon His mercy, bounty, and liberality, as if He would leave us to want -- upon His veracity, fidelity, and immutability, as though His word may be forfeited or His promise is broken.
Carefulness injures our own souls -- it is opposed to contentment and resignation -- it nourishes
impatience and unbelief -- it hinders our usefulness, and hardens our hearts -- it cuts off supplies, and procures the rod and the frown.
We should therefore aim to be without carefulness, for the Lord careth for us.
How sweet to have our portion there,
Where sorrow never comes, nor care,
And nothing will remove!
We then may hear without a sigh,
The world's destruction to be nigh,
Our treasures is above.
James Smith

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Psalm 149:9 
To execute upon them the judgment written:
this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD. 
What honour?
Of being redeemed by the blood of the lamb, out of every nation, country, people, and tongue.
Of being born again, not a corruptible seed, but of incorruptible; by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever.
Of being acknowledged as the sons of God.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.”
Of being closely allied to Jesus.
He is not ashamed to call them brethren.
Of being heirs of God.
“If children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.”
Of being delivered from slavery to serve God in liberty; ”that being delivered out of the hands of our enemies we might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.”
Our being appointed to sit in judgment with Christ.
Know ye not that we shall judge Angels?
“This honour have all his Saints.”
Are we his Saints?
Do we walk as become a Saints?
Are we living under the influence of these great privileges?
Let us admire, adore, and obey.
Pause, my soul, adore and wonder;
Ask, “oh, why such love to me?”
Grace hath put me in the number
Of the Saviours family;
Thanks, eternal thanks to Thee.
James Smith

Friday, December 25, 2020


Leviticus 10:3 
Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the
LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them
that come nigh me, and before all the people
I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. 
This is the great end Jehovah has in view in all He performs, and in all He permits.
He created and He preserves the world that He might be glorified.
He redeemed His people by the blood of His Son, and He will glorify His saints with Himself to the same end.
He will be glorified in His sovereignty,
doing as He will -- in His supremacy,
commanding as He pleases -- in His wisdom,
disposing of His creatures to secure His design -- in His grace,
saving an innumerable company of the lost and wretched,
to sound His praise for ever -- in His goodness,
supplying the wants of all His creatures, though in rebellion against Him -- in His justice,
punishing the daring impenitent offender.
Beloved, it is our duty to aim at the glory of our God in all things.
Does Jehovah command? then we should observe His commands and obey then.
Does He graciously promise, and in wisdom and mercy provide? then we should trust, rely, and depend on Him.
Does He work in providence and grace? then we should acknowledge His hand, submit to wisdom, and bow at His throne, fear to sin against Him, or grieve His love.
Our business is to glorify God.
Lord, turn the stream of nature's tide;
Let all our actions tend
To Thee their source; Thy love the guide;
Thy glory be the end;
In all we think, or say, or do,
Thy glory may we still pursue.
James Smith


Thursday, December 24, 2020


1Peter 5:9 
Whom resist stedfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished
 in your brethren that are in the world. 
Satan is the Christian’s unwearied foe, he is the enemy of all righteousness, and aims at our destruction.
He especially the enemy of our faith – comfort – prosperity -- and usefulness.
He is our enemy before God, and he gets access to our hearts; he excites to sin, accuses of sin, and terrifies for sins.
We are called upon to resist him, steadfastly believing God's word – faithfulness -- and love.
Steadfastly believing what Christ is to us, as Satan's grand opponent.
Is Satan a deadly serpent?-- Jesus is the brazen serpent which heals.
Is Satan a roaring lion? -- Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah who prevails.
Is Satan a destroyer? --Jesus is a Saviour.
Is Satan an adversary? --Jesus is a friend.
Is Satan a wolf? -- Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
Is Satan the tempter? --Jesus is a Deliverer.
Iis Satan a deceiver and a liar? --Jesus is the truth.
Is Satan an accuser?-- Jesus is an Advocate.
Is Satan the Prince of darkness? --Jesus is the light of life.
Is Satan a murderer? --Jesus is the resurrection.
Is Satan the god of this world?-- Jesus is God over all.
Resist the devil in faith of this.
Jesus is all you need.
All power is to our Jesus given;
O’er the earth’s rebellious son He reigns;
He mildly rules the host of heaven,
And holds the powers of hell in chains,
Jesus, the woman’s conquering seed,
Shall bruise for us the serpent's head.
James Smith

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Psalm 25:13 
His soul shall dwell at ease;
and his seed shall inherit the earth. 
The man that fears God must have faith in His word; love to His character; a desire to please Him in all things; a fear to offend Him in any thing; a realization of His omniscience; and be looking forward to His appearing.
Beloved, is this our character?
It is said of such, “HIS SOUL SHALL DWELL AT EASE;” free from slavish fear -- from soul distressing cares and anxieties -- in a state of contentment and solid peace.
And well he may; for he has God for his portion -- the eternal covenant at as his stay -- the precious promises as his security -- the glorious atonement for his plea -- a complete salvation for his shield -- providence as his friend -- Christ as his constant Advocate, Captain, and Man-of-war -- daily fellowship with God as his relief -- and heaven as his final home.
His soul shall lodge, or dwell in goodness; so some read it.
The goodness of God is the storehouse of every blessing, and will supply his every want -- silence all his fears -- contradict all his unbelieving doubts -- and exalt him to peace and honour.
Beloved, let us not be anxious about anything, but casting all our cares upon God, let us dwell at ease.
Once the world was all my treasure;
Then the world my heart possess’d;
Now I taste sublimer pleasure,
Since the Lord has made me blest;
I can witness,
Jesus gives His people rest.
James Smith

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


ISAIAH 49:23
And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens 
thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with 
their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet;
and thou shalt know that I am the LORD:
for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. 
Waiting for the Lord, supposes that we want Him to do something for us; bestow something on us; or fill some relation to us.
It implies that we have sought Him, that He has promised, and that He delays to answer our request.
It proves that no substitute can be found.
This promise suggests that there may be fears, lest He should not come; lest after all we should be disappointed.
This supposes, that there may be temptations to distrust the love, faithfulness, and goodness of God; to think they shall be ashamed of having sought, believed, and expected that the Lord would appear.
But this precious promise secures the waiting soul from shame, disappointment, and confusion; it assures us that the Lord will appear, answer, and bless in His own time, and in His own way.
Are you tempted?-- wait for the Lord.
   Are you afflicted?-- wait upon God.
       Are you solely tired?- wait patiently for the Lord.
He will not suffer you to be ashamed.
Abraham waited, and received the promise.
Joseph waited, and was raised to honour.
David waited, and had all his desires.
Afflictions is a stormy deep,
Where wave resounds to wave;
Though o’er my head the billows roll,
I know the Lord can save;
I'll wait, and bow beneath the rod;
My hope, my confidence is God.
James Smith

Monday, December 21, 2020


PSALM 25:20
O keep my soul, and deliver me:
let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee. 
What a mercy to have a God to go to, 
          a throne of grace set before us, 
                    and the precious name of Jesus to plead.
How encouraging the examples set before us in God’s holy Word.
Let us imitate them who speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
We are going into the world; the business of the day is before us; our hearts are false and fickle; let our prayer be, “OH, KEEP MY SOUL.”
Keep me from sin, let me not indulge it in my heart, or commit it in my life; keep me from Satan, suffer him not to lead me astray from Thee; keep me from men, let them not prevail against me.
Keep me in Thy way -- in Thy truth -- in Thy church.
Keep me by Thy word -- Thy Spirit -- Thy presence -- or Thy rod.
“Deliver me:” from guilt and condemnation, from fear and shame.
Keep me at Thy footstool, and deliver me from my own wandering heart.
Let me be clothed in the robe of righteousness -- cleansed in the fountain of my Saviour’s blood -- accepted in His glorious person and perfect work -- and be crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercy.
“Keep me as the apple of Thy eye.”
Ah, will not He who ransom’d man,
A Saviour’s work fulfil?
Almighty is His power -- He can;
Boundless His love -- He will.
Saviour Divine! deliver me,
Oh, keep my soul still near to Thee!
James Smith

Sunday, December 20, 2020


ACTS 13:34
And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead,
now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise,
I will give you the sure mercies of David.
The mercies of David are SUITED for a sinner’s wants; they comprise all his needs for time, for body and soul; and he will need through eternity.
The mercies of David's are COVENANT mercies; the Father has engaged to bestow them through the doing and dying of Jesus; the Son has secured their bestowment by His vicarious sufferings and death; the Holy Spirit will put the Lord's people in possession of them.
They will flow from free grace, are revealed in the promises, and are stored up in the fullness of Christ.
The mercies of David are SURE mercies; they are unconditionally promised to all comers; are received by simple faith; and are bestowed by Jesus as the appointed trustee and administrator of the covenant of grace.
They are sure, for God has sworn, and will not change His mind, or remove His covenant of reconciliation.
The mercies of David are GIVEN mercies; no desert is requisite to the establish a claim; no hard conditions are laid down to entitle; no price is fixed, or money demanded: but it is, “COME AND RECEIVE FREELY.”
Thy favours, Lord, surprise our souls;
Wilt Thou indulge Thy creatures thus?
The streams of full salvation rolls,
To strengthen, cheer, and comfort us;
How rich the grace! how kind the word!
All praise and glory to the Lord!
James Smith

Saturday, December 19, 2020


JOHN 14:15
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Here is the Christians grand RULE of action, the commandment of his dear Saviour.
Jesus commands us because He loves us;
because He desires our present welfare ;
because He will prove the sincerity of our profession;
and because He approve of the obedience of faith.
He commands us to imitate Himself.
He is our great pattern and example, and we should endeavor to imitate Him in His Spirit, and design, and actions.
He commands us to believe Him, profess Him, obey Him, and continue in His love.
Here we have the Christian’s grand MOTIVE and spring of action – LOVE.
Spiritual love is always loyal to the King of Zion;
jealous for the glory of the Lord of Host;
and determined in the cause of the Prince of Peace.
The obedience of love is easy – hearty -- and thorough.
Love is the strongest incentive to obedience; it conquers fear -- furnishes with zeal -- equips with courage -- devises the means -- surmounts difficulties -- and triumphs over opposition.
Let us inquire from what does our obedience spring?
By what is it regulated?
Is our motive and rule, holy love?
Love is the fountain whence
All true obedience flows
The Christian serves the God he loves,
And loves the God he knows;
May love o’er every power preside,
And every thought and action guide.
James Smith

Friday, December 18, 2020


Philippians 3:18
(For many walk, of whom I have told you often,
and now tell you even weeping, that they are
the enemies of the cross of Christ: 
The cross of Christ is the Christian’s glory; and few things would give him more pain, than to be considered its enemy.
It embraces the whole doctrine of salvation by grace;
and is viewed by the Christian, as the foundation of his hope, and the object of his faith;
as the end of the law, and the antidote of misery;
as the centre of truth, and the subject of the church’s song;
as mercy’s sceptre, and the Saviour's throne;
as the mirror, in which Jehovah displays all the perfections of His nature;
and the key that opens the gate to the celestial paradise;
as the glory of eternal wisdom, and the mystery of the incarnate love;
as the destruction of death, and the gate of everlasting life;
as the object of the angel’s wonder, and the cause of the devil's everlasting confusion.
Beloved, let us fix our eyes and hearts upon this glorious, this surprising object;
and never, never let us by our conduct or conversation, bring a disgrace upon it;
but let us endeavour to advance its triumphs, spread its glories, and bring sinners to admire, love, and trust in it.
“God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ;
by whom the world is crucified unto me, an I under the world.”
Oh, may my single aim be now
To live on Him that died,
And nought on earth desire to know
But Jesus crucified.
James Smith

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Colossians 3:16   
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 
The word which Jesus preached, or the word which His servants wrote, the whole word of God, is the word of Jesus.
Believer, look at your Bible as containing the word of your best Friend -- loving Saviour -- and final Judge.
Let it find a home in your memories – affections -- and hearts.
Let it keep house, ruling -- feeding -- and directing your souls.
Let it dwell in you plentifully, and know how to apply the different portions to different persons, and different cases.
Let it dwell in you richly, that you may have that to plead in prayer which God will notice – approve -- and accept;
to form – guide -- and preserve our judgments;
to curb – bind -- and regulate your desires;
to raise -- confirm, and direct your expectations;
to silence – enlighten -- and purify conscience;
to enable you to resist and overcome Satan;
that you may be able to reprove sin, and speak a word in season to the weary.
Let the word of Christ have the best room in your souls; let it be your daily meditation – food -- and directory.
Lord, let Thy wisdom be my guide,
Nor take Thy light from me away;
Still with me let Thy grace abide,
That I from Thee may never stray;
O let Thy word within me dwell,
Inspiring me to do Thy will.
James Smith

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Job 17:9
The righteous also shall hold on his way, and
he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. 
The way to the kingdom is rough and rugged, our strength is often small, and our fears are very many.
But if we are justified by grace, sanctified by the Spirit of truth, and pursue a consistent course, there is no doubt of our safe arrival at our Father's house; for “the righteous shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger.”
The true believer shall hold on, for the promise of God secures him; 
  the fulness of Christ supplies him; 
    the Spirit of grace influences him; 
       the new nature urges him; occasional love tokens encourage him; and attachment to the Lord and His people prevents him forsaking the right ways of the Most High.
Beloved, let us be concerned to have a blameless conversation; 
   let us live near to, and walk, with Jesus; 
      then our graces will flourish, we shall become rooted in Christ, our daily conquests will give us courage, and our God will give as He hath promised, even grace and glory.
It is not for us to be timid; it is not for the righteous to despond, “FOR HE SHALL HOLD ON HIS WAY.”
“They go from strength to strength: every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.
They may on the main of temptation be tost,
Their troubles may swell like the sea;
But none of the ransom’d shall ever be lost,
The righteous shall hold on his way.
James Smith

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


II Peter 1:2
Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to
make your calling and election sure:
for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 
Put your religion beyond a doubt: let there be no reason to question whether you are sin ere or not.
Calling separates us from sin, Satan, and the world;
   to holiness,
           and the church.
Election is the root of calling; it is God's choice of us from others - in Christ - by grace - to holiness - for His glory.
We know our election of God, by our being led to choose Christ, holiness, and heaven; to choose them, freely - heartedly, and habitually.
If we thus choose them, we shall use every means to obtain them.
To know that we are called of God, by our calling upon God, secretly – heartily – constantly - for holiness - salvation - and fellowship with Himself.
When we thus call on God we carefully avoid all evil, and follow after everything that is good.
Let us give all diligence to know our election, for it is worth all the pains we take, and the time we spend.
Let us follow on to know the Lord - give up ourselves entirely to God - exercise ourselves unto godliness - seek the witness, earnest and sealing of the Spirit, and cleave unto God with full purpose of heart.
Nothing is worth a thought beneath,
But how I may escape the death
That never, never dies!
How make mine own election sure,
And, when I fail on earth, secure
A mansion in the skies!
James Smith