With West Erwin St. Baptist Church coming up on their first year anniversary, Donnie had a contest as to who would bring the most boys to Sunday School. Donnie brought Sammy by my house and they invited me to church, if I came a Sammy’s visitor it would help Sammy win a hamster.
I started attending W. E. S. B. C. and on the 3rd Sunday of September 1963 I repented of my sins and trusted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Oh, Sammy won the hamster and it has been dead along time now. But from that day September 15, 1963 I have ’new life’ in Christ.
Today, I praise the Lord for His goodness and grace to save a lost sinner such as I.
I praise the Lord for sending Don Ledbetter to start W. E. S. B. C.
And I praise the Lord for a cousin, who was a Sunday School teacher who cared for my lost soul.
Who could you reach for Christ today??
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