From my Email
Dear Everyone,
Tomorrow at (4:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time), (3:00 P.M. Central Standard Time), (2:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time) and (1:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time) there will be a "KJV DEBATE" on a British Religious TV station - REVELATION TV. The topic is "Are the modern translations on a par with the King James Bible?" The two men who will be the answering the question are Dr. Jack Moorman (a personal friend of ours) and Dr. James White (whom I have met). Both men are true Bible scholars with a deep understanding of both Hebrew and Greek (the original languages of which the Bible was written) and they both have studied much and written several books on this subject of the superiority of the KJV over all of the modern-day translations.
The programme will be live and last for 90 minutes (uninterrupted by advertisements). From my understanding, during the program, you will be able to call into, e-mail, or text your comments to the TV station (Phone into a Live Show: 011-44-20-8972-1408; Email into a Live Show: live@revelationtv.com
(If you choose to text the station from Canada or the USA, the cost for texts should be very low). The responses will be counted to see who has most support from the public thereby gauging which argument is garnishing most support .
Here is the link for internet viewing www.revelationtv.com/watch_now
I urge you to watch this on-line tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. Once you get onto the Revelation TV's website, at the top of the page, click the "Shows" Tab; this will open a window where you can click on "Live Shows." Then scroll down and select the LIVE@NINE window. Then select "Wednesday, 21:00 (Live)." I think by clicking on LIVE@NINE should be allow you to send an e-mail directly to the station; however, I am not certain about this.
I truly believe that this program will be very informative for us all.
Bill & Norma Carter (Matthew 6:33)
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