Sunday, April 12, 2020

He Cannot Deny Himself

April  12

He cannot deny himself.

II Timothy 2:13  If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful:
he cannot deny himself.

God has opened His heart to us in His word. He has told us all His mind, He intends every word He has spoken, and will fulfil every promise He has made.

He cannot deny Himself or falsely His word; He can have no temptation to do so.

Man may be fickle, he is but a bruised reed; Jehovah is always the same, He is the rock of ages.

He will have compassion on the miserable, who seek His face; and will show mercy to all who plead with Him in Jesus’ name.

He cannot cast out a coming sinner, or refuse to receive a confessing backslider.

He cannot turn a deaf ear to our cries, or refuse to deliver us when we call on His name.

He will take His own time, but will never dishonour His faithful word.

He will be rigidly faithful, both to His threatenings and promises.

Let us take courage and trust in Him, we have His word, it is true, from the beginning; we have all this assurance, that HE CANNOT DENY HIMSELF.

Let us then stay ourselves on the word of our God; let us trust Him through the night be dark and the burden be heavy.

He exhorts, “Trust ye in JEHOVAH for ever, for in JAH,   JEHOVAH, there is everlasting strength.”

Engaged as an eternal brass
The mighty promise shines;
Nor can the powers of darkness rase
Those everlasting lines.

James Smith

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