Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Set Your Affections On Things Above

April  15

Set your affections on things above.

Set your affection on things above,
not on things on the earth.  Colossians 3:2

We are apt to be much affected by earthly things, but our affections should be permanently fixed on things above.

Let us lift our eyes and hearts to heaven this morning; there are the proper objects of our love, desire, and esteem. There is Jehovah our heavenly Father, dwelling in unapproachable light. There is Jesus, our dear and adorable Saviour, exalted, dignified, and glorified at the right-hand of the Father.

There is the Holy Spirit, our divine, gracious, and condescending Comforter.

There the love, favour, and presence of God are fully enjoyed. There peace, rest, and happiness are eternally realized. There is the crown of righteousness, the throne of glory, and the rivers of pleasure, which our God has promised, and set before us.

There are our brethren who have gone home before us, and there our affections should be. What is earth? Whatever it is, we are leaving it.


Why should my heart descend so low,
To brood on earth--a world of woe,
While heaven, where endless pleasures roll,
Wait to entrance my new-born soul.

Saviour!   let thine attractions be
But felt in all their force by me;
Then shall I mount on wings of love,
And fix and dwell on things above.

James Smith

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