Friday, June 5, 2020


June 5

Acts 9:6  And he trembling and astonished said,
Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into
the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
A very proper inquiry to bring to the Lord’s throne, for all the Lord’s people should be employed in the Lord’s vineyard, for the Lord’s glory.
There is something for each of us to do, and something for us to do today.
Jesus is our Master, He has a right to reign over us, and employ us as He will.
He should be obeyed.
We especially, who are so deeply indebted, should obey Him willingly - cheerfully - habitually.
Is our enmity subdued?
How can we manifest it, but by seeking to be in His employment?
Have we faith, -  hope, -  love, -  humility, - peace, - gratitude?
Are we not then desirous of obeying Him, who gave us all these blessings?
We ought to be employed - always employed - and so employed as if every day were our last.
That is the best employment, which we can look at with satisfaction on a death-bed; and of which we shall not be ashamed at the judgement day.
Are you doing for Jesus!
Are you doing in the spirit of Jesus?
Beware lest you put your doings in the place of Jesus; do all you can, then lay all you do at the feet of Jesus, it will need washing.
Never did men by faith divine
To selfishness or sloth incline;
The Christian works with all his power
And grieves that he can work no more;
Commits his works to God alone,
And seek His will before his own.
James Smith

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