Friday, August 28, 2020


August 28

 Romans 3:24  
Being justified freely by his grace through 
the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 

It was a solemn question which was proposed in the days of old, “How can man be just with God?”

Man is without righteousness; he is chargeable with many crimes; he is brought in the guilty, and condemned by God’s holy law; and he has no excuse to make.

His mouth is stopped.

We feel this to be our situation by nature.

But the Lord who is our judge, hath devised a way by which He can just and yet justify us.

It is by grace.

He justifies, or acquits us from all charges; pronounces us righteous; accepts us; and introduces us into His favor, friendship, and fellowship, FREELY; without any thing being done or suffered by us.

He presents us with the work of Jesus, by which all our debts are paid; our righteousness is wrought out; the law and the government of God are honoured; and a good title to eternal life is made out; we receive this work by faith, which He also bestows, and we are justified from all things.

Not one charge remains.

There is no condemnation.

But we are justified freely by grace without works of the law and being justified we have peace with God.

Slain in the guilty sinner’s stead,
Jesus, Thy righteousness I plead.
And Thine atoning blood;
That righteousness my robe shall be;
Thy merit shall avail for me,
And bring me near to God.

James Smith

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