Wednesday, August 12, 2020


August 12

John 1:50  
Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said 
unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? 
thou shalt see greater things than these

With the eyes of our understandings are opened by the Eternal Spirit, we began to see out of darkness and obscurity; but our sight is imperfect, we have seen but little yet, there is much more behind to be revealed by and by.

We shall see greater depths of sin in our nature, and greater depths of grace in the person of Christ; we shall have clearer evidences of interest in Jesus, and see more of His love to us.

We shall experience the cleansing efficacy of His precious blood to a greater extent; and see the power of His arm displayed more visibly for our deliverance.

We shall see more of the emptiness, vanity, and deceitfulness of the world; and have a greater reason to rejoice that we are delivered from it

We shall see greater things in our Bibles, and feel ourselves under greater obligation to the Holy Spirit for His teachings.

We shall see Christ descending, present things abolished, and the glories of the eternal unfolding.

Let us seek greater things, for Jesus has promised them, and daily pray, “What I know not teach Thou me.“

Let us expect to see greater things, for God is true.

O Lord, how little to do we know;
How little of thy presence feel;
While we continue here below,
And in these earthly houses dwell!
When wilt Thou take us up above,
To see Thy face without a cloud?

James Smith

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