Tuesday, October 1, 2024


The Father of glory.
Ephesian 1:17
ALL glory dwells in God, and flows from God.
He is the source and the centre of all honor,
  even as the sun is the source and centre of light and heat.
Jehovah is the glorious Father.
He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
  who is called “his own Son;”
  “the Son of his love;” and
   “his only begotten Son.”
He is the Father of all creation,
  as all things were conceived in his mind,
  produced by his power, and
   arranged by his wisdom.
He is the glorious Father of his people.
 He predestinated them to the adoption of children.
He sent the Spirit of his son into their hearts.
He deals with them as sons.
He acknowledged them at his throne.
He secures their eternal salvation, and
  he will be glorified in them when time shall be no more.
Beloved, let us this day fix our minds upon 
  our “glorious Father.”
Let us think of his glorious nature and perfections;
  of his glorious promises, and
  provisions for our wants;
  of his glorious throne and kingdom;
  of his glorious Son our Saviour;
  of his glorious heaven, and
  the mansions there prepared for us; and
  under all our suffering directs our minds
   to the glory which will be revealed.
The father of glory is, --
In part displayed to worlds above,
Not quite on earth concealed,
But wondrous unexhausted love,
To mortal men revealed.
James Smith 1849

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