Monday, February 20, 2012

Bearing Fruit

Adult SS Lesson 19/02/12

BEARING FRUIT                                                       John 15: 1 – 11

            The Lord Jesus Christ has told us how we can bear much fruit and glorify the Father. Every Christian has a desire deep inside of them to be fruitful Christians. There is a natural excitement about the thought of being used by God. The objective of this study guide is to help you find out how you can be used by God to bear much fruit.

Read John 15: 1 – 11

  1. Who is the vine?                                  

What is a husbandman?                                         

  1. Describe the two types of branches in verse 2 and what happens to them.



  1. What does it mean to be “clean through the word”?


  1. What two requirements must be fulfilled before we can bear fruit?

1.  .                                                                 


  1. What two requirements must be fulfilled before we can bear much fruit?



  1. What happens to those who do not abide in Christ? 

  1. Abiding in Christ refers to a person who has repented of his sins and has yielded to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This is salvation. All Christians abide in Christ by virtue of being born again and receiving the gift of eternal life.
  2. “Christ abiding in us” refers to the closeness of our fellowship with Christ. For example, you have probably experienced closeness and distance in your relationship with your parents. They love you and you are still their child, but relationship is not always close; especially if they are disappointed with your behaviour.
  3. Read John 14:23.  When will God abide in us?

What is more important: 

1. Keeping God’s commands or                       

2. Loving Him?

Can you have one without the other?

  1. How would you feel if Jesus “manifested” Himself to you (John 14:21)?

  1. Given the two conditions as being fulfilled in your life, what does Jesus promise?


  1. What two result from our bearing of much fruit?



        9. Do you see an association between verse 9 and I John 5:3?


      10. How did Christ abide in the Father’s love?

            Why do you think He did this?

       11. Why has Jesus told us these things?



       12. Select two or more verses from this passage in John 15 and memorize them.

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