Friday, January 3, 2020

A Mediator. Galatians 3:20

January 3    A Mediator.   Galatians 3:20

God is and must be the eternal enemy of sin.  He cannot be reconciled to it; it is the abominable thing which He hates. He cannot look upon it but with abhorrence. How then can God receive, bless, or commune with us?

Only through a Mediator; Jesus fills this office; He stands between God and us; He honours all the Father’s perfections; and renders us and our services acceptable through His glorious righteousness and precious blood.

God can only love us, receive us, commune with us, or bless us, in Jesus.

He represents us to God, and we are accepted in the beloved; He represents God to us, and we prove him gracious.

When going to the throne of grace, never forget Jesus is the Mediator; the middle-man; present your persons, your petitions, and your praises to God through Him.

You have nothing to fear, for Jesus where is your nature; He has a heart that beats in unison with yours; He calls you brother; He uses all His influence with the Father on our behalf; all He did and suffered is employed for you: and at this moment He pleads for your cause.

Oft as guilt, my soul, torments thee,
Turn thine eyes to Jesu’s blood;
This will comfort, cheer, and cleanse thee,
Seal thy peace, and do thee good:
Peace and pardon,
Flow to thee through Jesu’s blood:

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