Saturday, May 29, 2021




MAY 29
James 1:3
Knowing this, that the trying 
of your faith worketh patience.
Whoever professes to believe in God, will have his faith put to the trial.
Every believer is tried. By Satan, by the world, or by false professors, we shall be tried; but our God superintends the trial.
He tries our faith in his word, if it be sincere—our faith in his love, if we really credit it—our faith in his Son, if we trust in him for complete salvation—our faith in his veracity, if we expect him to make good his word.
He will try the nature of our faith, if it is divine-the strength of our faith, if it is rooted.
He will try the constancy of our profession, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence. This trial is for his own glory, or the good of others who observe us, and for our own advantage.
It worketh patience.
It gives us occasion to exercise what we have.
It perfects the habit and strengthens the exercise of it.
It is often a call to exchange ease for patience, and our opposing strength, for the power of Christ.
Let us therefore remember that faith must be tried, that afflictions are to try our faith, that sanctified trials make us patient, and that when patience is complete, our trials will cease.
Be ye therefore patient.
Lord, whene’er my faith is tried,
Keep me near thy bleeding side:
Make me patient, meek, and kind,
To thy sovereign will resigned.
James Smith

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