Saturday, May 16, 2020

Blessed Are Ye That Hunger Now

May 16

Blessed are ye that hunger now

Luke 6:21
Blessed are ye that hunger now:
for ye shall be filled.

Appetite supports life, and is regulated by nature; the carnal appetite is satisfied with carnal things; but a Christian can only be satisfied with spiritual things.

He hungers to enjoy an interest in Christ; for righteousness wrought in him by the Spirit, and given to him by Jesus; to be conformed to the image of Christ; to know Him extensively, experimentally, and practically; to enjoy God as his portion; and that Christ may be magnified in him by life or by death.

His appetite is fixed on its object; no substitute can be found; it is only as he feeds upon Christ that he enjoys satisfaction.

Beloved, how is it with you this morning?

Are you hungry for Jesus?

He filleth the hungry with good things; He pronounces them blessed.

They are blessed with spiritual life; with an interest in the things for which they hunger; and with the operation of the Holy Spirit.

None but God can produce this hunger, and only God can satisfy; it and He will; for He has said, “THEY SHALL BE FILLED.”

This is plain, positive, unconditional, and certain.

Believe it and be happy.

Bless’d are the souls that thirst for grace,
Hunger and long for righteousness;
They shall be well supplied, and fed
With living streams and living bread;
Oh, may my hungry soul receive
The food on which Thy people live!

James Smith

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