Sunday, May 10, 2020

He Doth Not Afflict Willingly

May 10

He doth not afflict willingly

Lamentation 3:33

Our afflictions do not flow from sovereignty, but from our Father’s wisdom, holiness, and love. He finds no pleasure in our pains, groans and sighs. He is never hasty in using the rod; mercy flies to help us, but He is slow to anger and a great kindness.

He never afflicts us without a sufficient cause; either sin has been committed; duties neglected; mercies slighted; lukewarmness discovered; worldly-mindedness tolerated; privileges abused; warning despised; temptation trifled with; or danger is near.

He never afflicts without a good and gracious intention, to make us fear, loathe and flee from sin; to shew His disapprobation of our unholy course; to quicken us in His ways; to make us long for, seek, and partake His holiness; to produce contrition and godly sorrow; or to prove that His authority is not surrendered because His love is great.

He only afflicts partially, occasionally, and sparingly.

He always strikes in love, and aims at our spiritual welfare; and we are often more benefitted by afflictions, then we are by comforts and joys.

Our Savior, sanctify to me every afflicting stroke.

In the floods of tribulation,
While the billows o’er me roll,
Jesus whispers consolation,
And supports my fainting soul;
Sweet afflictions,
Thus to bring my Savior near.

James Smith

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