Monday, May 25, 2020

Certainly I Will Be With Thee

May 25

Certainly I will be with thee.

Exodus 3:12
And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and
this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee:
When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt,
ye shall serve God upon this mountain.

It is a great honour to be favoured with the presence of Jehovah; but in every enterprise for His glory, in every duty required by His word, in every dangerous part of the pilgrim’s path, in every trouble in this land of strangers, He has promised to be with us.

His presence is to encourage, strengthen, protect, and prosper us.

This promise should arm us against fear, nerve the mind against opposition, and embolden us in a good cause.

Beloved, has God promised to be with us?

Let us then seek to realize His presence; never let us be satisfied with any religion without the Lord’s presence.---

If God be with us we shall be successful; all He requires He will provide; and display in our experience the exceeding riches of His grace.

His presence is sure to His people; He is not always perceived by sense, but certainly He is present; for though heaven and earth may pass away, one joy or tittle of His word shall no wise pass away; all must be fulfilled.

Let us then seek and expect the presence of Jehovah this day; and rejoice that He has said, “I will never leave thee, nor for sake thee.“

May we never forsake Him.

Then rest, my soul, upon the Lord,
Believe and plead His faithful word;
He will be with thee, He will guide,
And for thy every want provide;
O trust His faithful love and power,
In every gloomy trying hour!

James Smith

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