Sunday, November 1, 2020


Job 7:20
I have sinned; what shall I do unto thee,
O thou preserver of men?
why hast thou set me as a mark against thee,
so that I am a burden to myself?

We have neither wisdom nor strength to preserve ourselves; we are daily liable to fall; and unless God preserve us we certainly shall.

Our hearts are so deceitful, our corruptions are so strong, and Satan is so vigilant, that we need look to God as our PRESERVER every hour, and call upon Him to uphold us in every moment.

He can preserve, He doth preserve; but only in the way of obedience.
Except we are watchful, prayerful, and walking humbly with Him, we have no security, we may fall into the grossness sins, and commit the greatest crimes.

O believer, never think thyself safe, but as thou art leaning on Jesus, calling upon thy heavenly Father, and cultivating communion with the Holy Ghost!
Indeed thou art in danger, Satan, the world, and thy corruptions are all leagued against thee; nothing but omnipotent grace can keep thee.

Cease from man trust not thy own heart; but keep close to the good Shepherd.
He is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy.
Thy Preserver is also the Observer, He notices every thought, word, and deed.

Every foe must fly before Him,
Earth and hell shall feel His power;
Heaven and earth with joy adore Him
Hail the long expected hour:
Jesus has almighty power.
James Smith

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