Tuesday, July 27, 2021




Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and
 thorns against me in battle? I would go through them,
I would burn them together. –
Isaiah 27:4
It is easy to mistake the character of God. This is very often done.
We think him wrathful.
We are afraid of him. But in Jesus, God meets us, blesses us, and assures us, that there is no fury in him.
He is a basis for hope.
If there is no fury in God, there is love, and I may hope.
He will not refuse my application, despise my prayer, or drive me from his throne.
Here is a source of comfort.
If there is no fury in God, the wrath of man is vain.
The rage of hell is harmless.
Here is an antidote for my doubts and fears.
If there is no fury in God. my dread of death is unfounded, my fear of rejection is childish, my alarm at the approach of judgment is causeless.
Here is a call for gratitude and praise.
If there is no fury in God, I may draw near, I may confide in him, I may expect good things from him, I ought to praise him.
If there is no fury in God, whom shall I fear? Of what shall I be afraid?
He is a refuge in trouble.
A vineyard in the wilderness.
A well of living water in the desert.
A river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God.
God is not wrath, but love.
God is not darkness, but light.
Christian, be careful what view you entertain of you God.
Fury is not in me,—but love
Behold the proof, my Son I gave!
And still my tender mercies move.
From sin, and death, and hell to save.
James Smith

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