Tuesday, August 24, 2021




Ephesians 3:15
Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
The church of Christ is family.
Part of it is in heaven, part on earth, and part is not yet brought into existence.
God is the Father of the whole.
Every child is like the object of his love, care, and compassion.
Each one lives in his sight and is dear to his heart.
He will not part with one.
Jesus, who is SURETY for the whole, will never have to say with the troubled patriarch, “one is not.”
Those in heaven differ from us in place, in purity, in happiness, and employment; but they are not more loved than we are.
The whole family is alike beloved, redeemed, adopted, and destined to perfect holiness and happiness.
Every name is recorded in the book of life; and engraved on the Saviour’s hands.
Heaven is the family mansion.
Our Father’s house.
The kingdom is our Father’s gift.
For us he prepared it, before the foundation of the world; and with pleasure he bestows it upon us.
We are all one in Christ.
Let us endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Let us treat every Christian kindly, seeing the Saviour says of what is done to them, “ye did it unto me.”
You cannot hurt a saint, but you injure the Saviour.
Lord, may my spirit form a part
Of that thrice happy whole,
Derive its pulse from these the HEART,
Its life from thee the SOUL!
James Smith

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