Wednesday, October 20, 2021



Jeremiah 32:17
there is nothing too hard for thee:
Difficulties are for creatures, there can be nothing difficult to God.
His wisdom is infinite. His power is omnipotent. His resources are boundless.
His instruments are innumerable.
HIs plan is formed, and he is working it out.
“He worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.”
We are sometimes placed in very trying circumstances, creatures cannot help us, our faith falters, our minds are agitated, our spirits droop, we give way to fear, but the Lord reproves us and asks, “Is anything too hard for me?”
Bring the matter to me, exercise faith in my word, place yourself in my hand, wait upon me in my way, “I will work, and who shall let it?”
Beloved, your inward evils, and outward trials, may be too hard for you: but they cannot be too hard for your God.
He can subdue the one, and deliver you from the other, with the greatest ease: and his strength is made perfect in weakness.
Let this demand then, silence our fears, strengthen our faith, revive our hope, increase our courage, animate our prayers; and let us go forward, saying, “Nothing is too hard for the Lord.”
Look from your own weakness to his strength and say
Nothing too hard can be
For my Almighty Lord:
Sufficient is thy grace for me,
Who hang upon thy word.
James Smith

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