Thursday, February 11, 2021




Romans 8:32
He spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all,
how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
He would not spare his Son, that he might spare his people.
He punished him that he might comfort them.
He spared not the angels that sinned.
He spared not the old world.
But he promises to spare us.
How wonderful is this!
He hath spared us, he doth spare us, and he will spare us.
But Jesus was not spared. Let us reflect on this.
For he engaged in covenant,
  for us he came into the world,
    for us he fulfilled all righteousness,
      for us he offered an atoning sacrifice,
        for us he lay in the grave,
          for us he rose from the dead,
            for us he ascended into heaven, and
              for us he ever liveth to make intercession.
He was our substitute, the Surety of the better covenant, therefore he was not spared.
But if God did not spare him, he may justly spare us, and he will: and not only so, but with his beloved Son, and for his sake, will freely give us all things which pertain to life and godliness.
Precious Saviour, thy Father did not spare thee;
Satan did not spare thee;
may it therefore be my concern to spare thee;
may I avoid and abstain from everything which would grieve thy heart,
or dishonour thy dear name, my best, my changeless Friend!
Thy cruel thorns, thy shameful cross,
Procure us heavenly crowns;
Our brightest gain springs from thy loss;
Our healing from thy wounds
James Smith

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