Monday, February 15, 2021




Ephesians 1:13
I whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, 
the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed,
 ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise,
The great blessing promised in the Old Testament, is the Son of God; but the great promise of the New Testament, is the Holy Spirit.
He was promised to Jesus as the reward of his work; and he has promised him to us, to all who ask him. Jesus gives this living water, and all who receive it, find it to be a spring of water, welling up into everlasting life.
The Spirit is promised to us, to teach us, to lead us, to comfort us, and assist us in every duty; and we are dependent upon him for light, life, joy, peace and power, as we are upon acceptance with God.
He is the Spirit of promise also, as it is part of his work to unfold, apply, and prompt us to plead the promises before God.
Without him we read the promises but do not perceive their fullness, realize their glory, or appropriate them to ourselves; but under his teaching, the promises appear new, exactly suited to us, exceedingly great, and very precious. Every Christian is learning out in the school of painful experience, his dependence upon, and daily need of the Holy Spirit of promise.
Beloved, let us guard against grieving him; with double diligence let us consult his will, and obey his intimations.
Father, the sealing Spirit give,
In me to live and reign!
Let me the promise now receive
And never thirst again.
James Smith

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