Saturday, April 3, 2021




Romans 16:26
But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, 
according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made 
known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
The obedience required of faith is the entire submission of the intellect, the heart, and the life to God.
The law of faith is the gospel, this requires us to believe that “God is love.”
That Christ died for sin instead of sinners.
To embrace mercy as freely presented,  and receive forgiveness as the gift of God.
To accept of the righteousness of Jesus, to trust in it alone for acceptance before God, and to plead it at the throne of grace for all we need.
To come daily to Jesus for all we want,  and expect to receive at his hands all he has promised.
To live for God.
To live to God.
To live like God.
It requires us, in one word, so to live that God may be ALL and man nothing.
God requires the obedience of a believing heart.
We must believe what he says, expect what he has promised, and so what he bids.
This is the life of faith.
Satan will oppose it.
The carnal mind will throw a thousand obstacles in the way. Everything that is of a worldly character will hinder us.
But we must wrestle, strive, break through, and say, “I will believe my God.
I will obey my Lord.”
Spirit of faith, unfold thy law,
Thy quick’ning power impart;
My soul to sweet obedience draw,
Fill my and control my heart.
James Smith

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