Thursday, November 11, 2021



Malachi 3:3
And he shall sit as a refiner
His people are his precious metals.
Afflictions are his furnace.
Purification is his design.
He therefore puts them into the furnace, and he keeps them there until his end is accomplished.
But he superintends the whole process of refining himself.
He regulates the heat, watches the operation of it, and sits waiting for the fulfilment of his design.
He will not be disappointed, for it on affliction does not produce the desired end, another shall.
Beloved, perhaps you have wondered why one trial has succeeded another in your experience; but the reason is this, the duress was not removed.
Thy sorest trials are among thy choicest mercies because they are intended to make you meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints of light.
Think not that you are left alone in your sorrow, you Lord sits by; he intently watches the purification, and as soon as thy pride, obstinacy, worldliness, and opposition to his will is gone, the fire is drawn; your troubles will end.
There shall not be one furnace more than is necessary, nor shall you continue in suffering one moment more than is needful.
Your Saviour, who dies for your sins, is your Refiner; and he is preparing you for glory.
With me in the fire remain
Till like burnished gold I shine;
Meet through consecrated pain,
To see the face divine.
James Smith

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