Wednesday, November 17, 2021




Job 29:18
…I shall die in my nest,
Job’s nest was very comfortable, and appeared to be very secure.
It was on high, and not to be easily reached.
He knew that death could reach it, but he thought that nothing else would disturb it.
His conduct was consistent, and his conscience was quiet; God was his Father, and providence his friend.
“Then I said I shall die in my nest.”
But alas! suddenly a storm arose; the nest was destroyed, and the poor bird ;ay bleeding and exposed.
No earthly nest is out of danger.
Temporal comforts are only lent.
The higher the tree in which we build, the more exposed to the whirlwind and the storm.
Here we have no continuing city.
In one day we may be brought down.
Let us therefore endeavour to leave our matters more with the Lord, and learn to be content with his appointments.
We must die.
But when, and where, and how, should be left with the Lord.
Five minutes after death, it will matter very little, whether we died on a bed of down, in a spacious chamber, surrounded by friends; or at some rich man’s gate neglected and alone.
Present comforts may all leave us, our soft nest may be scattered to the winds, but our union to Jesus nothing can disturb.
I would not content with thy will,
Whatever that will may decree;
But O, may each trail I feel
Untie me more firmly to thee.
James Smith



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