Monday, November 1, 2021



Luke 1:32
He shall be great,
So spake the angel, announcing the birth of the Lord Jesus, and the prediction is fulfilled.
He is great, and his greatness is unsearchable.
Great, in the dignity of his nature—in the depth of his humiliation—in the glory of his righteousness—of his gospel—in the number of his converts—in the extent of his kingdom—in the tenderness of his sympathy—in the variety of his offices—in the grandeur of his works—in the estimation of his people—in the conquest of his foes—and in the punishment of his determined enemies.
His greatness is stamped upon every promise he has made—every pardon he grants—every blessing he gives—and every victory he gains.
Believer, thy Saviour is great.
Therefore he saves great sinners, confers great grace, bears with great offenders, treats with great kindness, and will confer on us great glory.
But his greatness will more clearly appear, when all hjs people are collected, when the curse is removed from our world, when the curse is removed from our world, when the glowing predictions of the Old Testament are fulfilled, and he reigns before his ancients gloriously.
His greatness shall fill his people with everlasting joy.
Now, Saviour, in my soul be great
Thence bid all guilt and fear retreat;
My powers into subjection bring,
And reign supreme as God and King.
James Smith

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