Saturday, May 11, 2024



MAY 11.
God is our refuge and strength.
Psalm 46:1

THE present world is a wilderness.
Here we are exposed to storms and tempests,
 to dangers and foes.
If left to provide for ourselves, we must perish,
  and our enemies would triumph over us.
But the Lord has condescended to become
  a refuge of his people,
  to him we may repair and find safety,
  received supplies, and enjoy repose.
If he defended us,
  no one can injure us.
If he is our refuge,
  nothing can overcome us.
But every Christian can say, “The Lord is my refuge.”
Beloved, let us keep this in view today,
  whatever trials we may meet with,
  whatever tempests we may have to pass through,
  whatever foes we may assail us,
  the Lord will protect and defend us.
From the wrath of man,
  from the rage of hell,
  from the storms of time,
  he will shelter and screen us; and
  he will not only receive and protect us,
  but he will strengthen us with strength in our souls.
If God is our refuge, we must be safe;
  if God is our strength, we shall certainly overcome.
Let us therefore fly to him, and trust in his word.
Jehovah, our refuge and rock,
In trouble his help will supply;
Though earth be remov’d with a shock,
Still God, our Redeemer, is nigh;
Then trust in his promise and be not afraid,
In all thy distresses he’ll come to thy aid.
James Smith 1849

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