Friday, May 17, 2024



MAY 17.
God that comforteth those that are cast down.
2 Corinthians 7:6

MANY things cast us down,
  but only our God can efficiently comfort us.
He is the Father of mercies, and
  the God of all comfort.
He delights to comfort his people,
  when comfort will do them good.
He secures their welfare first, and
  makes comfort a secondary object.
But he never sees his child in sorrow,
  without sympathy;
  nor loans with holds the necessary cordial.
He comforts the cast down;
  especially those who are employing their talents 
  in his service, and
  consecrating their energies to his praise.
Sometimes he brings home a sweet passage of his word.
Sometimes he sends a Christian friend to speak with us.
Sometimes he cheers us through the preaching of the gospel.
Sometimes a sweet, soothing, comforting light beams upon the soul,
  and we feel relieved, refreshed, and encourage;
    but scarely know how or by what.
The Lord sends the comfort,
  whoever brings it.
He is the comforter of the cast down, and
  to him alone let us look for some comfort
   in the cloudy and dark day.
Jesus I know, hath died for me;
  Here is my joy, my hope, my rest,
Hither, when hell assails, I flee,
  I look unto my Saviour's breast;
Away sad doubt, and anxious fear,
Mercy and love are written there.
James Smith 1849

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