Tuesday, May 14, 2024



That he may exalt you in due time.
1 Peter 5:6

THE apostle is exhorting to humility.
Nothing is so necessary for us, or
   more acceptable to God.
The humble man is sure to be respected.
Saints will love him, and
  God will do anything for him.
Pride is offensive to our fellows;
   it is detestable in the sight of God.
He will hold no fellowship with the proud man;
  he knoweth the proud of far off, and
  keeps them at a distance.
The Lord's people may be oppressed, and
  providence may seem to take part with their oppressors.
They may lie long in the dust,
  and be brought very low.
But if they humble themselves under
  the mighty hand of God,
  he will exalt them in due time.
When the trials has accomplished its work,
  it shall be removed.
When the proud spirit is humbled,
  when the complaining spirit is resigned,
  when the conceited creature is reduced
   to its proper level,
then the Lord will appear to exalt it.
He exalted by his power,
  by his grace, and
    by his providence.
 He exalted sometimes in temporals,
   more frequently in spirituals.
He rises the spirit above the circumstances,
  and this is true exhortation.
When, my Saviour, shall I be
Totally resign’d to thee?
Poor and vile in my own eyes,
Only in thy wisdom wise,
Only guided by thy light,
Only mighty in thy might!
James Smith 1849

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