Friday, May 3, 2024



MAY 3.
This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.
1 John 5:3


ALL acceptable obedience flows from love, and
  true love always leads to obedience.
If we really love God, we shall seek to glorify him; and
  herein is Jehovah glorified that we bring forth much fruit.
It is not the loudest talkers,
  but the holiest walkers,
  that brings glory to God.
The precepts are given us to be obeyed,
  as the promises are to be trusted; and
  no one can rightly trust in the promises,
  who does not labour to obey the precepts.
Jesus said to some of old,
  “Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and
    do not the things that I say unto you?”
And pointing out who were to be viewed
  as the nearest and dearest relations, he said,
    “Whosoever shall do the will of my Father
     which is in heaven, the same is my brother,
     and sister, and mother.”
Precious Lord Jesus, fill our hearts with thy love,
  conform our lives to thy example, and
  let us prove the sincerity of our love
  by the uniformity of our obedience!
Let us not rest in impressions, or
  be satisfied with enjoyments,
  without obedience to thy commandments.
Spirit of God, make us thoroughly holy,
   holy in body, soul, and spirit!
Th’ effect must from the cause proceed,
And thy dear genuine children prove;
In truth, reality, and deed,
Obedience is but actual love.
James Smith 1849

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