Wednesday, May 1, 2024


MAY 1.
Thou art a gracious and merciful God.
Nehemiah 9:31

SWEET view of the character of our God;
  and that view which is kept constantly
  before us in his blessed word.
We are so sinful, that
  if God were not gracious,
  we could have no hope;
  and we are so miserable,
  that if God were not merciful,
  we could never be happy.
But our God is infinitely gracious,
  he is always gracious; and
  he delights to glorify his grace in the experience
  of his poor sinful creatures.
Grace reigns. It reigns through the righteousness of Jesus.
And as a sovereign it dispenses the richest blessings,
  and dispenses then freely.
If God is gracious, we need not look for any thing
  in ourselves to recommend us;
  we may go to him just as we are,
  and he will receive us.
If God is merciful, we ought not to doubt
  or give way to gloomy fears;
  for he will display his mercy most in
   the miserable and undeserving.
In going to the throne today,
  let us keep this before our minds,
  our God is a gracious God,
  he looks for nothing in the sinner,
  but freely bestows the choicest blessings.
Our God is merciful, and he will take advantage
  of our misery to glorify himself.
Jehovah is gracious, and merciful too,
He pardons our sins, and he pities our woe
His Son to redeem us, he graciously gave;
And sends us his Spirit, determined to save.
James Smith 1849

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