Saturday, May 18, 2024



MAY 18.
Mighty to save.
Isaiah 63:1


THESE are the words of the Lord Jesus.
They are spoken in reply to a question
  proposed by his church.
She was startled by his appearance,
  but she soothed and comforted by his reply.
He speaks in righteousness,
  he assures her he is mighty to save.
To save her from her foes,
  from her fears, from her deserts.
This view of Jesus should be kept daily before us.
Jesus is omnipotent,
  he will employ his omnipotence on our behalf;
  therefore we should rest with confidence on his word,
  let the day be ever so dark, or
    the trial ever so heavy.
Jesus can save,
  for he is mighty to save,
  therefore no case is desperate,
  no sinner need despair.

He has saved the chief of sinners; and
  having saved the chief,
  he has proved to demonstration,
  that he can save any of his accomplices.
Reader, are you saved?
Have you received the forgiveness of sins?
Are you consecrated to God?
If not, Jesus can save you;
  he can save you at this moment.
There is nothing can hinder your salvation,
   but unbelief.
Only believed, and the merit of Christ is yours.
Jesus, transporting sound!
The joy of earth and heaven;
No other help is found,
No other name is given,
By which we may be saved have,
But Jesus came the world to save.
James Smith 1849

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