Friday, May 10, 2024



MAY 10.
The Lord of glory.
1 Corinthians 2:7


IN the Old Testament Jehovah is called,
“The glorious Lord,”
  and here Jesus is said to be
“The Lord of glory,”
   which is the same.
Jesus is therefore Jehovah.
He is “The king of glory,”
  whose ascension to heaven is so
   beautifully set forth in Psalms 34.
All the glorious perfections of deity are his,
  and he is entitled to the highest honour.
When in human form,
  he was tabernacling with us, he said,
  “The Father judgeth no man,
  but hath committed all judgment unto the Son;
  That all men should honour the Son,
   even as they honour the Father.
He that honoureth not the son,
  honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
Jesus is infinitely glorious, and
  he should be glorified by us.
Do we believe in the Father,
  we should believe also in Jesus.
Do we trust in the Father,
  we should trust also in Jesus.
Do we worship the Father
  we should worship Jesus also.
He should be the object of
  our love, adoration, and confidence
     equally with the father.
He is our glorious Lord.
Glorious in his person.
Glorious in his work.
Glorious in his government.
Glorious in his conquest.
Glorious in his character.
Glorious in the salvation of his people.
Behold your King, your Saviour, crowned,
With glories all divine;
And tell the wondering nations round
How bright these glories shine.
James Smith 1849

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