A Fat Servant is Better than a Skinny Corpse (Luke 15:17)
A Few Good Men: Gideon's Army
A Good God On A Bad Day
A Lot to Learn from Lot (Gen. 14)
A Major Message From A Minor Prophet (Zeph 3:14-20)
A Nude Dude in a Rude Mood: A sermon on the Gadarene Demoniac
A Serious birth Defect (Psa 51)
A sermon on the Prodigal: Giving the Pigs a Permanent Wave
All stressed up and nowhere to go
American Culture-Polytheism at its Best
An address to Submarine Christians--those who surface Christmas and Easter!
An Attitude of Gratitude (Luke 17:11-19)
Antidote for Anxiety (Phil 4:6-8)
Are You a Low-Sodium Christian? Then Add a Little Spiritual Spice to Your Life! (Matt. 6)
Are You a Wet Water Walker or A Dry Boat Rider (Mat. 14:28)?
Are you in the Way, or are you in the way? (John 14:6)
Are You Suffering from Malnutrition? (Matt. 4:1-4)
Bay of Pigs (casting demons into swine)
Be Careful With What You Think You Know (John 3:1-17)
Bringing in the sheep (Looking for the one lamb)
But GOD Romans 5-8
Christians Stink - We are called to be the odorant to the world. Relating to the odorant added to LP gas.
Countdown To The Showdown (Armageddon)
Crummy Faith (Matt 15:21-28)
Deviled Ham (Luke 8:26-39) (or: How about When Pigs Fly)
Do you have any NIKE's (Gr. for victories)
Does God have a Plan B for us?
Don't Panic It's Just A Test
Don't park in the handicap zone (be active in church)
Don't Set the Stage for Rage (on anger)
Don't wait till the battle is over--shout now!
Driven to Distraction (Luke 10:38-42, Martha distracted by many things)
Free: Eternal Life Insurance!
Get Off Your Donkey - Parable of Good Samaritan.
Gone With The Wind: (house on a rock)
Heaven can't wait! (Rev.21)
He's Making A List And Checking It Twice
Hind-sight, Blind-sight -Jesus heals the man born blind, and the Pharisees
remain sightless.
Honey, We Need to Shrink the Camel (Matt 19:23-26)
How Are You Going To Get Along In Heaven With People You Can't Get Along
With Here?
How Big is Your Barn? (storing up treasures on earth)
How Does Your Garden Grow? (Parable of the Sower)
If You Can't Keep Up, Keep Going
I'm gonna be in heaven with him?
Is God your steering wheel or your spare tire.
Is Time your enemy or is time your friend?
Lamb Chops Anyone? (John 10:11-18)
Lost in His Own Back Yard (the older Brother)
Love 'Em All, and Let God Sort 'Em Out (loving your enemies)
Milk does the body Good (1Pet2:2)
More Zip for the Trip - Elijah out running the chariots
Not Your Typical Baptist (Luke 3:1-6)
Nothing but Net (John 21)
On Naaman - Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Prayer Meeting in Hell (Lazarus and the Rich Man)
Remember Lot's wife. She was halted, she was exhalted, she was salted.
Seven Ducks In A Puddle (Namaan) (2 Kings 5)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, They didn't bend they didn't bow, they
didn't BURN. Casual Christianity
Shared Any Good `Yokes' Lately? (message on servanthood)
Solve our Problems, but Save our Pigs
Some Will Wear Crowns...Others Will Wear Frowns (JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST)
Standing On The Promises or Sitting On The Premises (sermon on service)
Survival of the Fittest or Cross training
Table Manners (On Communion)
The Church - Some assembly required
The company you keep! (I Sam.10:5-11)
The Great Omission
The little red devil behind the Pearly White Gates (sermon on the power of
the tongue)
The Man in the Middle
The Mighty Mite-The Widow's Mite
The rude, crude, dude in the nude (Luke 8:26)
The Saline Solution (Salt of the earth)
Three (Wise) Men and a Baby Christmas Sermon
Turn or Burn! (Rev. 20:15)
Unthawing the Frozen Chosen
Wait Watchers (Advent Sermon)
Wake Up - and Sell The Coffin (The widow of Nain's son)
What on earth are you doing for HeavensÆ sake?
What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
What's Up Doc? (Luke's account of the Ascension)
When Lefty Killed Fatty! (Ehud)
When the load gets heavy (Matt 11: 28-30)
You are what you eat - Communion sermon on Jesus as the Bread of Life
(John 6)
You Better Be Humble...Or You Will Stumble (PRIDE) (I Pet 5:5-6)
You Can't Have Your Kate and Edith too (sermon on Adultery)
You Can't Win If You Don't Begin
From days gone by.