Saturday, June 1, 2024


The God of peace.
Romans 16:20

PEACE is an invaluable blessing, and
  our peace with God was procured at a great price.
Yet God is peaceful.
There are no angry passions in his nature.
He cannot take pleasure in the vassalage, or
  suffering of any of his creatures.
He loves to see us holy and happy.
We were once his friends.
We became his enemies.
He desired reconciliation,
  therefore he provided the means.
As the God of peace,
  he devised the way by which reconciliation 
could be effected,
  sent his own Son to effect it by his obedience unto death,
  commissions his servants to go and proclaim it to every creature,
  and gives his Holy Spirit to speak peace to the troubled heart.
Holy tranquility rules in the divine nature,
  and God in Christ stretches out his hand,
  calls us to his throne, and (O wonderous condescension!)
  beseeches us to be reconciled unto him.
He assures us that he will not place one of our past sins 
  to our account,   but will pardon the whole, and
  treat us as if we had never offended him.
Beloved, let us begin this month by looking to God as the God of peace.
Once, in vain, this peace we sought,
From the law and found it not:
Fill’d with sorrow, guilt, and shame,
We at length to Calvary came;
Here we found true peace with heaven,
Felt the sweets of sins forgiven.
James Smith 1849

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