Wednesday, December 29, 2021

But Their Heart


Evening Devotion

… but their heart is far from me.
Matthew 15:8
And yet they appeared devout.
They passed among men for very religious characters.
Their devotions were formal.
There was no life in their service.
They were without sincerity, fervency, or desire.
They were satisfied with the form, without the power.
They had a name to live, but they were dead.
This is the case with too many now.
They pass for saints, but are not sanctified.
They are considered worshippers, but their hearts are far from God.
Now the man is as his heart is.
God looketh at the heart.
Beloved, is your heart near to God to-night?
It is when our desires go out after him.
When the expectation is from him.
When the soul bows in reverence before him.
When the expectation is from him.
When our lively and interested thoughts are employed about him.
When all our powers are prostrated before him, or presented to him.
God is now looking at your heart.
Do you sigh and desire to get near him?
Do you mourn and grieve over your distance from him?
If so, he looks upon you with pity, and accepts the willing mind.
They who live near to God here, will live with God for ever.
Why should my foolish passions rove?
Where can such sweetness be
As I have tasted in thy love,
As I have found in thee?
James Smith

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