Saturday, July 20, 2024



JULY 20.
Why stand ye here all the day idle?
Matthew 20:6

MAN was formed for employment, and
he cannot be happy except he is employed.
Idleness always breeds misery and unhappiness.
But believers especially should be industrious;
they should be diligent in their worldly callings,
and every one should be working for God.
Why stand ye idle?
You cannot say that you have nothing to do.
There is the truth,       circulate it.
There are the ignorant,           instruct them.
There are the sick,      visit them.
There are the poor,  relieve them
Why stand ye here idle?
There is so much to be done, and
  so much wants doing immediately.
Look in what direction you will,
  you will find plenty of work.
Why stand all the day idle?
If you rested for awhile,
  you should work remainder of your time.
Work all day, for the night cometh,
  and it will soon be here.
Why are ye idle?
Satan is busy.
Erroneous men are busy.
Angels are busy.
Other believers are busy.
Why are you idle?
Why stand idle?
As if you were willing to work,
  are going to work,
  when you know you do not intend?
Reader, God calls the slothful wicked; and
  all idlers, especially idlers in the church,
  will be visited with correction.
Shall I stand idle still,
‘Till life’s short day is past,
Or now began to do thy will,
And work for God at last?
James Smith 1849


Friday, July 19, 2024



JULY 19.
Underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27

THAT is underneath every believer.
They are there to bear him up,
  to bear him on, and
  to preserve from all real danger.
The arms of God are invisible, no one sees them;
  they are spiritual, no one feels them;
  they are careful, no one falls out of them;
  they are omnipotent, no one overcomes them.
If the everlasting arms of my God are underneath me,
  I may quietly yield myself unto him;
  I may confidently expect protection;
  I may be certain he will lift me above my foes; and
  I may feel assured that he will safely convey me home.
Aged saints may rejoice in this;
   for to them the Lord says,
   “Even to your old age I am he; and
   even to hoar hairs I will carry you;
   I have made and I will bear;
   even I will carry and will deliver you.”
And weak believers may rejoice in this, for
  “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd;
   he shall gather the lambs with his arms, and
   carry them in his bosom.”
O to realize this sweet and encouraging truth,
  and to rejoice in the Saviour’s assurance,
  “My Father, which gave them me,
   is greater than all; and no one is able
   to pluck them out of my Father’s hand!”
Through strength like this my soul shall walk
The gloomy desert through;
Those everlasting arms shall grant
Support and victory too.
James Smith 1849

Thursday, July 18, 2024



JULY 18.
Ye know not what ye ask.
Matthew 20:22

MANY things appear to be good which are not really so; and 
many things are good in themselves which are not good for us.
The Saviour’s disciples often asked a miss,
  and they ask for what would not really do them good;
  and when they do so, he mercifully denies them.
It may often be said to us, “Ye know not what ye ask.”
We ask perhaps for deeper satisfaction, and
  in doing so we asked for trials,
  losses, crosses, and temptations.
We ask to be weaned from the world, and
  in doing so we ask for troubles,
  difficulties, and perhaps bodily afflictions.
We ask for stronger faith, hope, and patience, and
  in doing so doing we ask for clearer and
  more painful discoveries of the corruption of the heart,
  and more violent assaults from Satan
  then we have ever experienced.
It is very probable that we shall see by and by,
  that our severest trials and our bitterest sorrows,
  were just answers to our prayers.
We fix upon some object,
  we set our hearts upon it,
  we pray earnestly that we may possess it,
  but do not think the painful process through
  which we must pass to arrive at it.
Blindly we ask for pain and loss,
A deeper cup, a heavier cross,
And still we all thy grace employ;
But humbly waiting to receive,
Manner and time to thee we leave,
Thy will be done, we ask no more.
James Smith 1849

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


JULY 17.
His work is perfect.
Deuteronomy 32:4

AN infinitely perfect mine will produce a perfect work.
Every work of God is wrought by a perfect plan,
  by a perfect agency with the most suitable instruments,
  and with infallible success.
Failure belongs to man, not to God.
The work of creation is complete.
The work of providence is perfect
  as far as it is finished, and
  so is the work of grace.
Jesus has perfectly fulfilled the law,
  answered all the claims of divine justice,
  frustrated the designs of his foals, and
  provided for the certain salvation of all his people.
When the work of salvation is finished,
  it will be the most magnificent work
  which even God ever wrought.
It will be a mirror to reflect and reveal all
  the glorious attributes, perfections, purposes,
  and thoughts of the Most High.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus for his perfect work!
In this we are justified,
  in this we can approach
    the throne of God with boldness,
  in this we may meet death without fear, and
  in this we shall be acquitted before
    the great white throne.
It is our bridal robe,
  our title to the heavenly mansions,
  and the ground of our hope.
Jesus, Son of God, thou art
Omnipotence divine,
Now assures my fearful heart
That all thou art is mine;
On me thy perfect work bestow.
And make me live like the below.
James Smith 1849

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



JULY 16.
God hath shined in our hearts.
2 Corinthians 4:6

YE were once darkness, and
  if you are not so now,
  it is because God hath enlightened you.
We were all once ignorant of God,
  ignorant of ourselves, and
  ignorant of the Lord Jesus.
In reference to our state, all was dark.
In reference to our destiny, all dark.
Dark ignorance sat enthroned in our understandings,
  therefore we were careless, cruel, hardened,
  and presumptuous.
But when God shone into our hearts,
  we discovered our state,
  caught a glimpse of his true character,
  became alarmed at our condition, and
  began to look out and inquire for deliverance.
When he shone again,
  we saw the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of sinners;
  he appeared just suited to us, and
  we began to long, pray, and seek for an interest
    in his glorious person and finished work.
Another ray enabled us to see that we were welcome to him;
  and we embraced him as God's salvation,
    found peace,
    enjoyed liberty, and
  had access into God's favour,
  and rejoice in hope of his glory.
Lord, shine into our hearts again, shine often,
  that in thy light we may see light,
  and glorify thy name!
Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,
And brooding o’er my nature’s night,
Call forth the ray of heavenly love,
Let there in my dark soul be light,
And fill the illustrated abyss
With glorious beams of heavenly bless.
James Smith 1849

Monday, July 15, 2024



JULY 15.
How long will this people provoke me ?
Numbers 14:11

NOTHING is so provoking to God as unbelief, and
  yet there is nothing to which we are more prone.
He has spoken to us in his word;
  he has spoken plainly;
  he has repeated his promises again and again;
  he has confirmed them all by the blood
    of his own dear son; and
  yet we do not believe him.
Is not this provoking?
What would provoke a master like
  a servant refusing to believe him?
Or, what would provoke a father like
  a child refusing to believe him?
The man of honour feels himself insulted 
  if he possessed friends
  refuses to believe his solemn protestation; and
  yet this is the way in which we daily treat our God.
He says, “Confess, and I will pardon you.”
But we doubt it.
He says, “Call upon me and I will deliver you.”
But we doubt it.
He says, “I will supply all your needs.”
But we doubt it.
He says, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
But who has not questioned it?
Let us seriously think of his own words,
   “He that believeth not God hath made him a liar;”
   and his question, “How long will this people provoke me?”
Lord forgive, and preserve us from it in future.
Ah! Lord, with thee we ask, how long
Shall men thy patient Spirit grieve,
Thy power mistrust, thy goodness wrong,
Thy faithful promise disbelieve?
James Smith 1849

Sunday, July 14, 2024



JULY 14.
O woman, great is thy faith !
Matthew 15:28

SHE believe that Jesus would heal her daughter,
  though he seemed to say that he would not.
She had confidence in his kindness
  though he answered her roughly.
She persevered in her suit,
  though more than once repulsed.
She was as humble as she could was determined,
  and this is always the case with strong faith.
She had no promise,
  yet she would not give up.
She was not of the favoured nation,
  yet she would persevere in seeking the blessing.
Beloved, what an example for us!
What a reproof for us!
We are invited by Jesus,
  we have his plain word of promise,
  we have innumerable instances of
    his kindness upon record, and
  yet we doubt his love, and
  give way to gloomy fears and forward bodings.
Let us seek for strong faith.
Faith that will give Jesus credit for being kind,
  in whatever circumstances we may be placed.
Faith that will trust his word,
  though he delays to make it good.
Faith that humbly perseveres notwithstanding delays,
  and that says with wholly determination,
  “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.”
Faith that will take no denial,
  but pleads, argues, supplicates, weep,
  and holds on until it prevails.
That mighty faith on me bestow
Which cannot ask in vain,
Which holds, and will not let thee go,
Till I my suit obtain.
James Smith 1849

Saturday, July 13, 2024



Is any thing too hard for the Lord.
Genesis 18:14

HIS power is omnipotent,
  his wisdom is infinite,
  and his resources are boundless,
  what can be too hard for him?
Look from creatures to thy God.
Take up his promise and plead it.
Think of his faithfulness and trust in it.
He could give Abraham a son in his old age.
He could bring Israel out of Egyptian bondage.
He could preserve Daniel in the lion’s den, and
  his three brethren in the burning fiery furnace.
He could bring down the pride of Babylon,
  and bury Nineveh in ruins.
Well may we say with one,
  “I know that thou canst do all things.”
Let us then take our difficulties to God; and
  when our way is hedged up, and
  every thing seems to conspire against us,
  let us take courage and keep our path,
  remembering that our God can
  make a way in the sea, and
  a path in the mighty waters, and
  that he hath promised to make
  all his mountains a way, and
  that his high ways shall be exalted.
Let us meet our unbelief and fears with this question,
  whenever that come in like a flood, and
  let us look to God’s power,
  promises, and grace in all difficult cases.
Is any thing too hard for God?
Through Jesus we can all things do:
Who Satan and his works destroyed’.
Shall make us more than conquerors too.
James Smith 1849

Friday, July 12, 2024


JULY 12.
He that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 10:22

MANY profess Christ,
  who do not possess Christ.
They appeared to begin well,
  but in time the temptation fall away.
Therefore the Saviour said,
  “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord,
  Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
  but he that doeth the will of my Father
   which is in heaven.
Every man's profession will be tried, and
  all who have not been the root of the matter in them,
  will fall away.
None but the regenerate will persevere,
  but all that are really born again will.
The new creature in creation cannot be destroyed,
  true faith will prove victorious.
How important then to ascertain,
  “Are we created anew in Christ Jesus?”
How did our religion begin?
In conviction of sin?
How did it proceed?
In venturing entirely on Jesus and
  his finished work for salvation?
In panting ardently for thorough sanctification?
How is it with us now?
Is Christ precious?
Is holiness lovely?
Is the throne of grace our daily resort?
Are we passing on towards the mark?
If so, we may hope to endure,
  and let us still press on.
Welcome my Saviour's word to me,
The cross and crowd annext I see
And suffer on, till pain is past,
With life, and I am saved at last,
I wait in death to hear him say,
Arise, my love, and come away.
James Smith 1849

Thursday, July 11, 2024



JULY 11.
Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me?
Genesis 27:36

THUS cried profane Esau to his father Isaac,
  when Jacob had supplanted him and
  taken away his blessing; and
  thus have many of the Lord's people
   cried to their heavenly Father.
Beloved, is this our iniquity this morning?
If so, it is easily answered,
  our God has reserved blessings for us.
He has been bestowing blessings on his people
  through all past ages;
  but like the sun,
  which has poured out light and
  heat upon our world thousands of years, and
  yet is as full of light and heat as ever,
  so it is with our God.
He is full of blessings.
He has it in his heart to bless his children.
He loves to see them gather around his throne
  morning by morning to ask his blessing.
Well, what do we need this morning?
Whatever it may be,
  our God has it, and
   has it for us.
Let us ask him for more grace.
Grace to soften our hearts,
  to sanctify our temper,
  to rule our tongues,
  to direct our energies,
  to devote us entirely to his praise, and
  to make us both holy and happy.
Yes, poor, depressed, sorrowful sinners,
  thy Father has reserved a blessing for thee;
  and the very blessing which you must most need.
My Savior, my God, I trust in thy blood,
To bring me the blessing on many be stowed;
For us it is free though purchased by thee,
And I know it is mine when my Lord is in me.
James Smith 1849

Wednesday, July 10, 2024



JULY 10.
Ask, and it shall be given you.
Matthew 7:7

COULD God prescribe easier terms?
It is simply, “Ask and have.”
But then, what we ask must be lawful,
  it must be necessary for us, and
  it must be promised in God's word.
Our desires must be good, or
  corresponding with God's law;
  the thing sought,
  must be becoming our station and circumstances;
  and God's will must be consulted,
  as it is made known by his promises.
We may have whatever is necessary,
  whatever will promote our sanctification, or
  whatever will advance God's glory.
But if lust influence us,
  God will deny us; as we read,
  “Ye have not, because ye asked not;
  ye asked and receive not,
  because you ask amiss,
  that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”
The most general promise has its limit.
God will do nothing,
  God will give nothing,
  that is in consistent with his character, or
  that would injure his people.
If we really need,
  if our motive in seeking is pure,
  if the use to which we intend
     to put the blessing is good,
  if the end we aim at is God's glory;
  then we may ask what we will, and
   it shall be given us.
Let us ask in the name of Christ,
  for the honour of Christ, and
  we cannot ask wrong.
If God the power of asking give,
The blessings asked shall all be given;
I asked, expecting to receive,
Thy grace, thine image, and thy heaven.
James Smith 1849

Tuesday, July 9, 2024



This same shall comfort us.
Genesis 5:29

SO said the father of Noah concerning his son, and
  so have many said since and found out their mistake.
We are always fancying that we want
  something which we have not,
  to make us happy;
  whereas true happiness consists,
  in our minds being brought to our circumstances,
  for our circumstances will never be brought to our minds;
  because our desires enlarge with our possessions,
   and we are constantly craving more.
But what Lamech said of Noah,
  we may with truth say of Jesus,
  for he is the consolation of Israel, and
  he gives the true rest to the soul.
If we receive him,
  if we realize our interest in him,
  if we live upon him, he will comfort us;
  for he will sweeten all our trials,
   sanctify all our sorrows,
   sustain us under all our crosses, and
   bring us safely to the promised land.
He is the true NOAH,
  the rest of his beloved people; and
  he is saying to us this morning,
  “Come unto me, ye weary, burden, laboring ones,
  and I will give you rest.
  I will comfort you in all your tribulations, and
  give you a happy issue out of all your afflictions.”
Then I will no more complain,
Never at my lot repine;
Welcome toil, and grief, and pain!
All is well if Christ is mine;
He will calm my troubled breast,
Give me my weary spirit rest.
James Smith 1849

Monday, July 8, 2024


Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Matthew 4:7

WE may trust him, but we must not tempt him.
To tempt God is to run into dangers unbidden, and
  then appeal to God for protection.
It is to yield to sinful solicitations,
  because God has promised to keep
  and preserve his people.
If God brings us into danger,
  he will preserve us in it, and
  will bring us out of it;
  but if we needlessly run into it,
  he may leave us to rue our folly.
God has never promised to keep his people,
  if they yield to temptation,
  give placed to the devil,
  or indulge in any sin;
  such conduct insults his holiness,
  provokes his displeasure,
  and calls for the rod.
We must believe his promises, and
  expect that he will make them good
  in the way of filial obedience.
He that presumptuously ventures into
  the path of temptation,
  because God has promised to keep his people,
  tempts God, and
  will be sure to smart of his folly.
Satan often misapplies scriptures,
  but his design is always to lead us into sin,
  to grieve the Spirit of God, and
  dishonor our heavenly Father.
O may I tempt my God no more,
By needless trials of his power,
But humbly in thy ways attend,
And through the means expect the end;
No wonders seek, thy truth to prove,
Nor ask a sign that “God is love.”
James Smith 1849

Sunday, July 7, 2024




Enoch walked with God.
Genesis 5:22

SINNERS walk from God,
  they go in a contrary direction;
  they are opposed to his requirements,
  they refused to listen to his call.
But believers walk with God;
  in conversation, they turned to God;
  in justification, they are accepted before God;
  in sanctification, they are conformed to the will of God;
and then they walk with God.
His precepts are their rule,
  his ways are their delight,
  his glory is their aim, and
  fellowship with himself is their source of satisfaction.
They communicate with God,
  placed their confidence in God,
  expect every blessing from God, and
  strive to imitate the character of God.
They walk with him in filial love, as their Father;
  and holy intercourse, as their Friend;
  and in grateful obedience, as their covenant God.
They walked with God in faith,
  believing his promises.
They walked with God in hope,
  expecting his communications.
They walk with God in love,
  enjoying his gracious presence and blessing.
To walk with God is to honor,
  the proof of their reconciliation, and
  the evidence of their adoption.
Walking with God on earth,
  they will rest with God in heaven.
With God sweet converse I maintain,
Great as he is, I dare be free;
I tell him all my grief and pain.
And he reveals his love to me.
James Smith 1849