Sunday, July 14, 2024



JULY 14.
O woman, great is thy faith !
Matthew 15:28

SHE believe that Jesus would heal her daughter,
  though he seemed to say that he would not.
She had confidence in his kindness
  though he answered her roughly.
She persevered in her suit,
  though more than once repulsed.
She was as humble as she could was determined,
  and this is always the case with strong faith.
She had no promise,
  yet she would not give up.
She was not of the favoured nation,
  yet she would persevere in seeking the blessing.
Beloved, what an example for us!
What a reproof for us!
We are invited by Jesus,
  we have his plain word of promise,
  we have innumerable instances of
    his kindness upon record, and
  yet we doubt his love, and
  give way to gloomy fears and forward bodings.
Let us seek for strong faith.
Faith that will give Jesus credit for being kind,
  in whatever circumstances we may be placed.
Faith that will trust his word,
  though he delays to make it good.
Faith that humbly perseveres notwithstanding delays,
  and that says with wholly determination,
  “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.”
Faith that will take no denial,
  but pleads, argues, supplicates, weep,
  and holds on until it prevails.
That mighty faith on me bestow
Which cannot ask in vain,
Which holds, and will not let thee go,
Till I my suit obtain.
James Smith 1849

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