Monday, July 1, 2024


Lord, who is like unto thee?
Psalm 35:10

THE ways of God are wonderful,
  they strike us with surprise.
He is condescension is so great,
  his mercy is so free,
  his power is so vast, and
    his righteousness is so glorious,
  that when we see them displayed in his dealings with us,
  or with those about us, we are led to exclaim,
    “Lord, who is like unto thee?”
Jehovah has no equal.
He is infinitely superior to all other.
His ways are as much above our ways,
  as the heavens are above the earth.
He doeth wondrous things.
Let us then look to him through the whole of this month.
Let us expect him to work wondrously.
He says, “Call upon me, and I will shew thee great
     and mighty things that thou knowest not.”
When we can expect from no other,
  we may expect from our God.
When no one else can help us,
  he can deliver us with ease.
His word is given, his mind is unchangeable,
  his ways are at times mysterious,
  but his mercy and truth always go before his face.
Our God is incomparable!
And this is true of his mercy,
  pity, power,
    compassion, forbearance,
        holiness, and love.
His arm is might, -and strong his hand,
Justice and judgment waiting stand
Around his throne exalted high;
But midst the glories of his face,
His mercy and his truth we trace,
Sweet mingled rays which call us nigh.
James Smith 1489

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