Monday, July 8, 2024


Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Matthew 4:7

WE may trust him, but we must not tempt him.
To tempt God is to run into dangers unbidden, and
  then appeal to God for protection.
It is to yield to sinful solicitations,
  because God has promised to keep
  and preserve his people.
If God brings us into danger,
  he will preserve us in it, and
  will bring us out of it;
  but if we needlessly run into it,
  he may leave us to rue our folly.
God has never promised to keep his people,
  if they yield to temptation,
  give placed to the devil,
  or indulge in any sin;
  such conduct insults his holiness,
  provokes his displeasure,
  and calls for the rod.
We must believe his promises, and
  expect that he will make them good
  in the way of filial obedience.
He that presumptuously ventures into
  the path of temptation,
  because God has promised to keep his people,
  tempts God, and
  will be sure to smart of his folly.
Satan often misapplies scriptures,
  but his design is always to lead us into sin,
  to grieve the Spirit of God, and
  dishonor our heavenly Father.
O may I tempt my God no more,
By needless trials of his power,
But humbly in thy ways attend,
And through the means expect the end;
No wonders seek, thy truth to prove,
Nor ask a sign that “God is love.”
James Smith 1849

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